Recent content by miloziz

  1. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    I just did a search for HP22b.. oh well.. Congrats to everyone.. and thanks pepper joe for being generous handing out a lot of peppers to the winners :D
  2. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Lets just wait and see.. Once again, as a community we should have patience. Once the everything is released with the documentation... we can go ahead and have a thorough discussion.
  3. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    As I said, lets have some patience and work as a community. Once the 'hot pepper' is released, than we can have a constructive discussion analyzing the documentation and everything. :D
  4. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Patience...people... :)
  5. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Popobawa Popobawa, also Popo Bawa, is the name of an evil spirit, or shetani,[1] which is believed by residents to have first appeared on the island of Pemba. In 1995, it was the focus of a major outbreak of mass hysteria or panic which spread from Pemba to Unguja, the main island of the...
  6. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Joe said he will meet up with them. Lets wait and see till Wednesday. If he does get the hottest pepper, that will be good gain for our community. If he doesn't, oh well no ones loss. Have a safe trip Joe :D
  7. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Could we get an update pepperjoe?
  8. miloziz


    send me a few.. lol
  9. miloziz

    wanted Looking to buy some Super Hots varieties in large quantities.

    pepperjoe sent you an email :)
  10. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

  11. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    ^^Agree with the above post. Its more towards DNA profiling than full genome sequencing (which for you would be chromosome testing) as a lot of species are already in the DNA databases.
  12. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    Finally, we the citizens of discovered it! Sorry.. all seeds have been sold!
  13. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    ^^ If you do decide to run a contest... here are my suggestions :P 1. AssBurner (A) 2. Suicidal Evolution (S.E) 3. Great Rapist (G.R) or Gold Rush (G.R) hehe (hope I win a few seeds.. lol ) But to get on to the original discussion, I think its good that you are sharing this information with us...
  14. miloziz

    Dragon Fruit

    Could someone help me with some Natural Mystic dragon fruit seeds?
  15. miloziz

    Promotion for HP22B

    looking forward to this.. :P