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dried Consuming dried whole chili pods

Forgive me for my ignorance but I've never had dried peppers before so I was just wondering if one can just eat them whole with their food the way you eat fresh pods or are they primarily used for incorporating into recipes and hot sauces.

For the past couple of months I've been eating store bought orange habs on a daily basis and the heat just isn't cutting it anymore so I've been thinking about upgrading to the red savina pepper but right now you can only get the dried variety online.

A few days ago I ordered a 3 oz jar of ghost pepper powder so I'm looking forward to using that on all kinds of food plus I have my trusty Heartbreaking Dawn's Cauterizer sauce handy for those times I need a hot sauce but I've always liked the sensation of biting into a piece of hot chili pepper with my meals.
I dry most of my pods so I have a few options with them. Some I rehydrate before using in cooking. Keep in mind you don't only have to rehydrate in water, though that is an option. Any liquid will work. I've rehydrated in bourbon and made bourbon cookies with them - so good! I also just powder some - depends upon what I'm looking for, for a particular dish. Can you just eat them dry without rehydrating? Sure. But for me it would depend upon how dry they are - can't really see myself chowing down on a pod that's dried enough to powder it.
Yeah, that's what I kind of figured. I like the idea of chopping them up and sprinkling them on food so I might go that route. I guess I'll continue buying orange habs from the supermarket until I decide to grow my own peppers.
Yeah, that's what I kind of figured. I like the idea of chopping them up and sprinkling them on food so I might go that route. I guess I'll continue buying orange habs from the supermarket until I decide to grow my own peppers.

The time to grow your own is now! You've got an ideal growing season where you live. If you've got a spot, it's not too late to start.
To give you a couple examples: that crushed red pepper you put on pizza is just dried peppers then crushed up.
tamales are an example of semi rehydrating dried ancho chilis.