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cloning Can I clone pepper plants? If so, how?

My dad would like a garden of his own, and I have a very large variety of pepper plants. Could I clone these plants to give to him? I know that you can clone mint plants and whatnot.
My dad would like a garden of his own, and I have a very large variety of pepper plants. Could I clone these plants to give to him? I know that you can clone mint plants and whatnot.

P.S I accidentally posted this on my bros account. That's why there are 2...
Sure, hack off a limb, give it water, hope it roots.

If you do a search of the forum, I'm sure I've seen a topic giving better instructions not too long ago.
yup... you need to research it tho. If they are flowering or producing pods, you will have a HARD time getting them to root!
Hey guys. I found my answer. If anyone else is having any problems with this, here is the link...

Ive cloned some this year, posted on Paul`s Glog & mine, i had a storm snap limbs off my plant so i snipped all the leaves off the plant, dipped it rooting hormone & put them in potting mix.

Important if you want to clone, remove all the leaves (everything) just a bare twig, cut the stem at 45° & dip in powder or gel.

My clones are doing fine, but i prefer to grow from seed & i think Paul would agree.

I can tell you I've already done it successfully this season. Here is my 10 step process:

1. Pinch (not snip) off a fresh cutting (hopefully 5-7 inches long). It seems that cuttings bluntly pinched off and not so sharply cut or snipped off will root better.
2. Without delay, take off any bottom leaves to leave you with a stem at the bottom of two or three inches. Remove all but about three or four leaves from the branch to minimize transpiration.
3. Dampen the bottom of the stem and apply fresh rooting hormone.
4. Place in a small starting cup with starter mix and water thoroughly.
5. Put in a sunny window.
6. Keep damp (not soggy but damp) until it roots.
7. I like to mist spray the rooting plant three or four times a day since its hard for it to take up water when roots have not developed.
8. Wait for roots to show up in the drain holes before transplanting.
9. Enjoy and don't worry.
10. Have a beer.

This process worked for me. Your chances are good if you attend to the cutting.

Good luck!
