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misc Free Ladybugs

This is my attempt at posting my first pics on this forum. At work I have what I call my "aphid tree" and I have been relocating some ladies to my garden from it. These pics are a couple months old and they are from my phone so bare with me on the quality.




I've allowed myself to fix the pictures for you. I hope that's ok.
Also deleted the other topic and moved this one to the right place. :)
I've allowed myself to fix the pictures for you. I hope that's ok.
Also deleted the other topic and moved this one to the right place. :)

Omri your efforts are greatly appreciated. Upstanding gent! I am new to this.... plus it is harder to navigate around on a mobile device.
Nice pictures, those ladybird eggs look hungry! I 'rescue' ladybirds from daft hibernation places and put them in a container filled with dry grass in my polytunnel. This year I have had no problem with aphids at all and the ladybird population is strong. Only problem is when ladybirds run out of food they will bite humans! :eek:
Aphid tree, that's freaking cool! Looks like the ladybugs know where to find breakfast lunch and dinner though.
you used a cell phone's camera to take those close up pictures? is the phone a run of the mill or a super expensive phone? i am astounded, i used to do macro photography and those are sharp and crisp, great color and very good closeups. i had no idea a cell phone could take pictures like that especially such close up shots! very nice!
tjg911 It is a droid x. I used the macro setting. Pictures come out ok but usually takes 5 snaps to get a good shot. I don't know a lot about photography but macro seems to work good if you have something to focus on like a thumb. Hahaha you see my thumb in most of my close ups. Now I just have to figure out how to load pics and not the links.
I'm not normally the type to get all "girly" (forgive me females, couldn't think of a better way to describe it) over insects. But if I saw that flying around me, I would be screaming for my life.

The adults have no leverage on their bite. If the larva "helgrammite" latches on you will hile up your skirt and move your arse. Used to fish with them. Prehistoric buggers.
Wow nice lady bug pics. I had to go out and buy mine, but the good thing is they are fairly cheap costing only $6 for a hundred or so at the local hardware store.

Wow talk about "fly" fishing!!