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Word on the street, Osama Bin Laden

In other words, the government couldn't get any more use out of him as Scary Boogeyman Number One and took him out of his holding cell and offed him. This will provide a new distraction for the masses while the government readies another screwing for us. Probably abolition of Social Security. "Well, folks, we're doing away with Social Secutity and you won't see a penny of the money you paid into it. But HEY LOOK!!! We killed Osama bin Laden!!!"

Color me cynical.
In other words, the government couldn't get any more use out of him as Scary Boogeyman Number One and took him out of his holding cell and offed him. This will provide a new distraction for the masses while the government readies another screwing for us. Probably abolition of Social Security. "Well, folks, we're doing away with Social Secutity and you won't see a penny of the money you paid into it. But HEY LOOK!!! We killed Osama bin Laden!!!"

Color me cynical.
As much as I would like to believe this is true, I think if we did have him for any length of time that would leek out. But I do believe that the administration will take full advantage of the media consuming the American people with this story , when this is not the most pressing issue this country faces. Yes, it is a great day for America an I think we should bask in it. But we need to watch what the other hand is doing.
Symbolically this may mean something.
The question is @ what cost....untold lives,400 billion spent over a decade,etc,etc

Is this the end to the blowback from Operation Cyclone/overall US FP...I think not
I normally don't rejoice or take pleasure in anyone's death but I'll make an exception this time. God Bless our troops. But as others have said we're still waist deep in poop because of the Poli-Tricksters. Both sides ..... This can go to deep and to long and I simply see it as a waste of my time. If all these Poli-tricksters really cared and wanted to help "we" the people , they'd give up their heath care program and get on ours !! I can't afford to pay for their gold plated program and my ragga muffin program too. If ALL the poli-tricksters would pay their taxes in a timely fashion as I'm expected to do. I could go on , but why ?

Peace & God Bless America , our troops , and all freedom loving people

P. Dreadie
10 years what a waste of time, money and countless lives.
So it took 'intelligence' this long to work out were he was yea right
Buried at sea????!!!!!! Now that won't spark any conspiracy theories will it!!!!!

But in the end that's just another distraction tactic
buried at sea so he cannot become a Muslim shrine also no country would want him buried in their soil and under the Muslim religion he needs to be buried within 24hrs I agree with the no proof hopefully pictures will arise.
buried at sea so he cannot become a Muslim shrine also no country would want him buried in their soil and under the Muslim religion he needs to be buried within 24hrs I agree with the no proof hopefully pictures will arise.

9 News Australia showed his face it was pretty shot up.
Still groggy, I went to my computher this morning and the Yahoo front page read:

Osama Has Been Killed....and there was a big picture of people celebrating in front of the White House.

And I actually thought....."Huh, that's kinda cold-blooded."

....but as the fog lifted from my brain....I realized...."OH....OSAMA!!!"

That made a bit more sense.