powder-flake Some Powders

Perfect day for grinding some of my dried peppers from 2010.

Left to right -
1 - Apple wood smoked Caribbean red & apple wood smoked orange habanero
2 – Apple wood smoked Caribbean red & apple wood smoked orange habanero, chocolate bhut jolokia and red bhut jolokia
3 and 4 – Jamaican yellow, chocolate habanero and red bhut jolokia.

The big one top is just orange habanero.


Looks delicious PGM, How does #2 taste, that one intrigues me :cool:

It is my favorite of the bunch. Has an immediate sweet & smokey taste that gives way to a nice burn in a minute or so. I think I need a few more taste tests... :hell: Wish I had more of the smoked peppers to make more, I ground the last of the smoked peppers today.
PGM, that's a lot of smoked peppers there. My next gaget is going to be a smoker. Does it really make a big change in the taste of the dried peppers, as Kevin said never had smoked peppers.
What did you use to grind your peppers? Coffee Grinder? Food Processor? One of those combi drink maker/blender/food processor thingies?

I have a coffee grinder that was assigned to pepper grinding duties 2 years ago. it has 3 settings...fine, medium and course. did course this time in short bursts so these are more like flakes than powder. although some of it got powdery so it's a like a flaky powdery mix :cool:
How do you find the peppers are to grind TPGM?

Are you able to keep the pepper dust under control so you're not coughing too much?


As long as i do it in the garage with both doors open the pepper dust stays a tolerable level. Everything (face, eyes, lips, hands, etc) still burns but it's nowhere as bad as the time when I tried grinding peppers in my basement. That was like playing with pepper spray :onfire:
Hi I'm new to the Forum and I'm so excited that I found it. I'm always griding up my dried peppers and even carry a small shaker in my purse. I've only dried the Cayenne and the Thai Sun peppers but planning on experimenting with other varieties this fall. I just placed my seed order and but wondered which peppers make the best powder? I love hot foods but not Ghost Pepper hot (even though I did order them too). Thanks! HotPepperGirl