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heat What is the hottest Chilli in the World

The place that has done the testing of the Infinity and the Naga Viper, Warwick U for short, anyone know what method they use to test the peppers?

It's true that it's all relevant but the marketing coup one gets when the Guinness folks write your pepper in their book is probably worth tens of thousands of dollars if not more.

In this quest for superhot supremacy I hope people don't forget about flavor. I don't care how hot it is if it tastes like crap.
In this quest for superhot supremacy I hope people don't forget about flavor. I don't care how hot it is if it tastes like crap.

Hip Hip Hurray! That is the real challenge... a screaming hot AND tasty pepper. For me the problem with claiming the hottest pepper is that it is based so much on growing conditions. The Naga and Chocolate Bhut I grew in 100+ heat was an order of magnitude hotter than the ones I tried earlier in the year. The Naga especially could have been a 7 if I closed my eyes. I think my Naga would go toe to toe with a 7 grown in Montana. (No offense to you Montana growers. hehehe) Unless all the chiles are grown at the same time in the same place under the same conditions and you takes several averages…. I don’t think you can fairly compare their heat and say one is absolutely hotter than the other.
As far as I can remember, the bhut jolokia is propping up an entire region economically in india as their major export due to being the guiness holder. Seems to me that they may take their time to call a new champion which I guess they already have been doing.
I found this link while searching for an article related to my post:


and quote (the guy is referring directly to the picture above):

"[font="Arial][size="4"]From the look of these chili peppers, especially the chocolate-colored ones, it seems these are the hottest chilies in the world, the Bhut Jolokia, often called Naga Jolokia (possibly erroneously) or the ghost chili by the Western media."[/size][/font]
[font="Arial] [/font][/color]
[font="Arial][size="4"]Ummmm..... [/size][/font]

The link here
Chris email me the company chileseeds.co.uk will sell Naga Viper with ~1.4 Million SHU. It could be the hottest pepper but when I search for the testing at Warwick but there is no such test of the results. Let see next year after growing and testing out to find out then.
Gerald from the U.K. proclaims his Viper pepper is now king (from Trinidad). Oddly, there is no such landrace there. lol.

isnt he the guy that has the newest , rarest or "hottest" chile ever year lol

Our new Chilli has just broken all records for heat, at 1,340,969 SHU’s (Scoville Heat Units). The new record holder is called Naga Viper. Seeds will be on sale very soon.

ummm what record does this hold? Bhut still holds the record.

love the name "Naga Viper" kinda redundant huh? lol
Naga=snake...i think So Snake Viper chile? Hmmmmmm

Viper is a snake also , so some smart guy now has a snake snake pepper :rofl:

kinda like the people who say smoked chipotle, :)

I have the worlds hottest pepper, it will be coming out soon its called the "Naga Pantalones" its huge can grow over 10 inches long

seed will be available for a limited time only ;)
In this quest for superhot supremacy I hope people don't forget about flavor. I don't care how hot it is if it tastes like crap.

I second that. That's the difference between just a taste test and consumption. I love the taste of red 7s, but highly doubt I'll like the Douglah, since I've never like any chocolate varieties yet. A vote should be done on the hottest and tastiest and a hybrid should be made :)
Trinidad Scorpion-BT is the definitely the hottest stable, true-breeding variety I've ever tried but nasty in the flavor department
Naga Pantalones.....ummmmmmmmm. 10"? You WISH!!!! lol
You know, there is ALWAYS gonna be someone that claims their pepper is the hottest. Kinda like a few other people have said, its all in the conditions. True, you can have a general, overall "hottest pepper." Seems that the consensus says the Douglah, Scorp, and Scorp Butch T are the hottest ones.
Its kinda funny...if you sit back and look what we're discussing....all of these damn things cause us pain, and we're saying "NO!!! THIS one hurts MORE!!" lol Sorry, I just find it kinda funny.
The place that has done the testing of the Infinity and the Naga Viper, Warwick U for short, anyone know what method they use to test the peppers?

It's true that it's all relevant but the marketing coup one gets when the Guinness folks write your pepper in their book is probably worth tens of thousands of dollars if not more.

In this quest for superhot supremacy I hope people don't forget about flavor. I don't care how hot it is if it tastes like crap.
As far as I am aware Warwick have full HPLC testing facilities, that's what they used to test my recent batch of peppers.
So their results are fairly accurate, just limited due to sample size and not testing plants grown in set conditions as required by guiness. They do use the whole pod for testing though, not just seeds / placental tissue.

+1 that flavour counts too!
1,598,227 SHU Dorset Naga
1,340,969 SHU Naga Viper
1,178,988 SHU Cornish Naga
1,176,182 SHU Infinity Chilli
1,067,286 SHU ChilliPepperPeter Naga
1,041,427 SHU Bih Jolokia
1,001,304 SHU Bhut Jolokia

Here's what I've found from chileseeds.co.uk and chilefoundry.co.uk and the top Dorset was from BBC Gardeners World. All were tested by Warwick above the Bih. The Bih is thought to be the same plant as the Bhut I guess.