• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Anybody else growing cannabis?

Uncle Eckley

We've had legal homegrow in Virginia since the summer and I've been having a blast. I run a little 36x20x63 tent and have been able to provide a modest abundance for myself and some family. Just switched from a three-plant staggered autoflower cycle with individual reservoirs to one big reservoir so I can run autos or photos.
Anybody else post your rig?

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Well hell, I'm in CO now, I should be, right?

Thing is, I can't smoke the stuff (farmers lung). You guys do gummies or chocos or some recipe to make it worth my while?

Well, you *could* be, anyway.. ;)

Maybe I'm just old, but brownies and gummies and such are for subterfuge. No need in a legal state, so why make your brownies taste funny? I've got a big sack of empty gelatin capsules for edible delivery - pop a few of those then eat some normal brownies!

This is actually a larger question these days than you may know. There's a whole world of vaporization out there now. I'm late to the scene, having only given up the bong around a year ago. I'm all dab now - only vaping pure rosin with glass and a torch; I never combust the stuff anymore. There are also topicals out there, bhang recipes online, all kinds of stuff.
This past summer, cannabis just grew all by itself in my suburban backyard here in Eastern Ontario. I have a a tradition of taking the portable washing machine outdoors and making bubble hash on my deck every late fall when the temperature gets cool outside. So I routinely dump the washing machine leftovers over my outdoor no-till gardens - over the snow on top of it normally. Lol

I never noticed a seed, but I found a weed plant sprouting in early April (where I deposited the bubble hash waste the autumn before) during a freaky warm spell that lasted days. Of course the regular variable weather finally returned near middle week, and lasted a few weeks after. It survived a night of -6° C (21°F). It never reached above freezing for the next week or so:
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So the weather got warmer and it survived and grew even though the wife and I had no plans to grow weed outside in the backyard or patio. I didn't have the heart to pull it out while planting vegetables, so we let it grow under the conditions I would not do anything to it.

Anyway, it took over my wife's herb garden area, and the trellis we had cucamelons growing. I never fed it, watered it (except for plants around it), pruned it, or anything. It literally grew by itself until harvest without intervention. But we never anticipated a 10 foot high, 12 foot wide tree. This is the girl in late summer (there are peppers in there too. Lol) She yielded over 3 pounds of really crystally bud:


Peppers can be a lot more finnicy than cannabis I'm starting to learn. They call it weed for a reason.
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First, I’m not ashamed to say I had to look up bubble hash. Second, that is one stunning pic.

Thanks! Even worse, I make cured temple balls out of my bubble hash:

It's literally like a new reality after cannabis growing has been legalized in Canada nationally. My neighbour just beyond that 6 foot fence was growing 5 plants in 10 gallon cloth pots that kept on falling over when a wind came. Other neighbours were teasing them that they'd call the police because he was growing one more plant than legal. hahaha

Life in the 'burbs has been very interesting lately ;)
Thanks! Even worse, I make cured temple balls out of my bubble hash:

It's literally like a new reality after cannabis growing has been legalized in Canada nationally. My neighbour just beyond that 6 foot fence was growing 5 plants in 10 gallon cloth pots that kept on falling over when a wind came. Other neighbours were teasing them that they'd call the police because he was growing one more plant than legal. hahaha

Life in the 'burbs has been very interesting lately ;)
I learned everything I know from Cheech and Chong. This thread is becoming a MasterClass.
@Northwood - that is the most
awesome pot plant I have seen :eek:

My buddy and I used to make bubble hash with a 5-gallon
bucket with graduated paint strainer bags in and a power
drill with a propeller shaft on it to agitate things real good.
Made a nice blond-ish hash that smoked really well.
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@Northwood - that is the most
awesome pot plant I have seen :eek:

My buddy and I used to make bubble hash with a 5-gallon
bucket with graduated paint strainer bags in and a power
drill with a propeller shaft on it to agitate things real good.
Made a nice blond-ish hash that smoked really well.

I used to do the power drill method, but became lazy in my advancing age so I went onto Wayfair and bought myself a 7 gallon portable washing machine. Then I strain the ice water through a column of 160 micron (catch bag) to 45 micron bag and keep everything between that. Some people use like 8 different strainer bags. I like to keep things easy and simple.

For fun once I decided to grow just 1 plant indoors (cycle #7 no-till). Usually I grow 4 plants in my 5X5 indoor tent. It's the same setup and soil that I've reused for years and kept undisturbed that I'm growing my peppers in now:


Here is a top view of the whole tent:


It I almost managed to fill up the 5X5 tent completely with the one plant, but it took over 3 months of vegetative growth before I flipped the light to 12/12 for flowering. It was my first indoor plant to break the 2 pound harvest mark. That one yielded just a few grams under one kilogram of dried, cured, manicured bud. Here is the harvest:

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The good thing too is that I managed to make nearly 100 grams of bubble hash from fresh frozen trim from the plant as well. This is why I'm growing peppers now. After doing this for years I got bored and needed a new challenge. C. chinense here I come! Lol
The soil depth itself is about 16", but maybe less now due to continued decomposition. I haven't measured it lately. It used to be nearly 2 feet deep, but quickly settled over the first few months and then started to lower in volume year after year of reuse.
Thanks, that is a great idea.