baccatum Why does my Aji White Fantasy hate what I’m doing?

I’m truly at a loss. It’ll be ok for a few hours or even days then go back to looking like this:

I’ve dried it out. I’ve given it a deep soak. I tried not fertilizing for three weeks. I fertilized weekly. It had something eat one of its leaves so I relocated a spider and it’s now pest free.

And still, yesterday these were all the dropped potential peppers

I’m pulling that amount off DAILY. Is it the pot too small for this amount of growth? Wouldn’t that just stunt it? Do I need to play it happy music? Bring it inside for stability? Manhandle it? Yell at it? Put it in the corner and forget about it so it can pretend it’s a volunteer plant growing in a sidewalk crack? I’m at my wits end. At least it’s giving me *some* peppers to maturity but I really don’t think this level of loss is acceptable/healthy.
just under 4 litres. I was intentionally trying to dwarf it but not like this!
Since many are able to produce pods in thight containers (pepper in a can challenge for example) and you are feeding it on a regular basis I dont think pot size is the problem here. Your plant seems healthy; has it been very hot the past few weeks? I'm asking because it was hot AF here in Québec lately and some of my plants also dropped a lot of flowers...
Since many are able to produce pods in thight containers (pepper in a can challenge for example) and you are feeding it on a regular basis I dont think pot size is the problem here. Your plant seems healthy; has it been very hot the past few weeks? I'm asking because it was hot AF here in Québec lately and some of my plants also dropped a lot of flowers...
It's been hot on and off, but I don't think to pepper killing levels. We had real temp of 32 and humidity of 38 for a few days but I don't think the plants care as much about the "real feel"?

I don't know. I'm just tired of cleaning up after it so I don't get more pill bugs. Obviously something funky due to how wilty the leaves are and the patterning on the big leaf. Magnesium??
The last few times this happened to me, I tried applying mineral sprays to the leaves (I don't know if foliar spraying is correct in english) and within a few weeks it stopped dropping flowers.
When a plant grows in a small pot, it dries quickly and we have to water more often, this is like washing the roots (by draining the water, it also drags away the micronutrients from the soil).
This is not science, it's just assumptions from a crazy on the other side of the Atlantic!!🤣