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pH Where can I buy a PH meter for sauce?

I've been looking, but I can't really find anything. Can someone point me in the right direction? (I know I can find one online or Ebay, but I'd rather go to a store)

I've tried chemistry equipment and commercial food equipment places, but none of them sell to the public, they all use distributors.

Anyone know any stores that I can buy one? Is there a Home Depot version of kitchen supplies?
I don't think they are sold as kitchen supplies. I'd do as Potawie says or try a chems store. They are also sold as gardening supplies, but I don't think those would suit your needs.
Pepp3rFreak said:
What model did you get? I'm in need of a ph tester pronto and not sure on whicvh one to get.


The one that I got is SM101. I really like it and it is very accurate. I would give them a call and explain to them what your needs are because they are very helpful and not in a pushy way. I was talked out of a model that was more expensive, 20-40$ (?) because I really didn't need a model that automatically calibrated based on temperature. Instead, the SM101 needs to be adjusted for the temperature manually, which I figured wasn't a big deal since I already had a thermometer. But, you might like the automatic one to cut out an extra step.