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pest What are these? Yes another potential bug ID

I found these on one of my tomato plants this morning.  I view my tomatoes as second class citizens to my pepper plants who are my babies.  But, I am trying to prevent an outbreak that may spread to my peppers.  I trimmed off the small branches and some of the surrounding leaves where I found these things.  At first I thought hornworm eggs but they look nothing like the pics I have found online.  Can they be hornworms in a later stage?  Something else entirely?  I know the pic sucks, but when i tried to get closer with my cell phone cam the image was trash.  I also tossed a single leaf with 3 or 4 of these things on it in a jar to see if I can get a better idea of what this is.
These things aren't spherical like the pics I found of the hornworm eggs.  They are irregular shaped like mealy bugs when they are first setting in on a plant.  I dealt with the mealys earlier in the season successfully so I know what those look like.
PS - I also pruned that ugly looking yellow leaf on the left.  My pepper plants are WAY more healthy than my tomatoes.
In the first pic it is a green spec that is an off shade of green compared to the leaf.  This stuff did not move.  I picked at them, poked em, squished them... and nothing.  I need to look up some pics of this frass stuff.  lol  I have flea beetles on my eggplant so I am familiar with those buggers.
I would bet they are a small hemipteran of some kind, maybe an aphid. maybe a young nymphal leafhopper. Definitely a sucking insect given the way they are all on leaf vein. Kill them.
Went digging in my planter boxes this morning and was horrified.  WTF is this crap.  One looks like a young horn worm.  Not sure on the caterpillar thing and the eggs!  When I burned them they popped like popcorn!  I can't believe I want to run out and buy a nice camera so I can do better bug IDs.  lol  The worm and caterpillar were found decimating my kale.  The eggs were on the bottom of a leaf on my purple beans.

