We Won! Pure Evil Marketing


eXtreme Business
Thanks to the many suggesting from everyone here on THP, my Pure Evil Capsaicin Drops won Honorable Mention in the marketing/packaging category of the Scovie Awards. 
Pure Evil got beat by a blister-pack...packet ....(not very innovative, but whatever...) ........  Oh Well...
The point of this post is to say THANKS!!! to all you folks here on THP who have helped with suggestions, label reviews, product testing, black tin links (Thanks, Pookie!) and all the support over the years.
Thanks, Everyone!!!
PS- The New and Improved Yellow/Red/Black PureEvil labels we were working on last summer arrived 3 days after I had to ship the stuff out to meet the contest deadline.
PPS- Texas Creek Wasabi Mustard=1st place
PPS- Texas Creek Chipotle Mustard= 2nd place
salsalady said:
Pure Evil got beat by a blister-pack...(not very innovative, but whatever...) ........  Oh Well...

is this the thing you're talking about? isn't that a packet rather than blister pack?
sinensis said:

is this the thing you're talking about? isn't that a packet rather than blister pack?
Yes, you are correct, it is a packet, not a blister pack.    I've edited the OP.  Thanks for pointing that out.
:lol: at ^^^  
Thanks, all. 
The honorable mention will get a front page listing on their website for a year,  pretty good exposure.  
It's made with real wasabi, not green horseradish. And Jonah 7 pot....

Wasabi ranch sounds killer! Oh, ,great...thanks D3.....Now you got me thinking of another sauce to make! Just what I don't need... :Lol: