for-sale vintage kitchen tools for sale


eXtreme Business
Vintage kitchen tools for sale $30 + shipping
We're cleaning out my parents' estate and came across some kitchen tools that my family used for decades.  They are cool, and perfectly usable, and I'd like to see someone get and use them instead of throwing them in the garage sale or thrift store bin.
I won't have pictures of the actual items until next weekend.  What I have is-
a cabbage slicer/ kraut cutter like this-
kraut cutter.jpg

a meat grinder like this-
meat grinder.jpg

apple/pear peeler like this-

a couple cherry pitters like this-
cherry pitter deluxe norpro.jpg

hand pitter.jpg

some assorted peelers and corers and other hand tools. 
Others are involved so I can't give them away for free.  $30 is a pretty good price for these perfectly usable tools.
Thanks for looking and PM if interested. 
I'll post pics of the actual items this weekend. 
that they are!  Popular way before Pampered Chef ;) 
Voodoo~ I missed your original post, so I guess you are off the hook? :Lol:
Yes, i posted a pic of an antique potato masher, but someone reminded me it might be hijacking the thread. So I had to edit :)  Cheers!
Oh! Not at all! In fact, I can include one of those also if someone wants!
It's all good. :Cheers:

Hmm, but should that raise the price?

Aw, crap. Way to complicate things, Voodoo!!!!! :Lol:
Yep, tater masher.
5 feet long?  no, probably 30".
well, even though it is from the lumberjack capitol of the is the basic home model that frontier housewives...and househusbands...used.  That slicer could fill 30 quarts in about 30 minutes.  ;)
I was too young to use the thing with the really sharp blades.  Dad sliced the cabbage, it went into a crock with a plate on it under the stairs where the hot water heater was.  Nice and warm.  I can't remember specifically after that how the kraut was processed, but I'm pretty sure it got packed into pint and quart jars and BWB.  I remember always opening pint or quart jars of kraut.
I specifically remember being on a camping trip with Mom, Dad, OlderBro and meself.  Mom opened a CAN of sauerkraut....not our home canned stuff-a storebought can of kraut to serve with the wieners.... and my bro and I pitched a fit.  What kind of crap are you trying to serve us, this is not our homemade sauerkraut?!?!???
Kinda strange thinking back on it now....
thanks voodoo~  I almost kept the mixer for the RV.....almost....
So did everything sell?? Those mixers can either drive you crazy or rock the house, depending on how well they are made. The one you have looks new and sturdy.