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The Homestead Thread

PtMD989 said:
I’ve always wanted to get honey bees. My wife is convinced I’m allergic to bees, because I swelled up pretty good after getting stung (yellow jackets)while doing a remodel project.
Funny thing is I got stung 11 times (ground bees) while out on a Boy Scout project.
I’m still here [emoji16]
God is not through with me yet [emoji4]

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Edmick said:
My wife is terrified of bees though so thats a no go for me.
Get some Hyland's Apis Mellefica tablets!!!
They are readily available at health food stores and a lot of other stores that carry the Hyland's brand of homeopathic pills.  My husband is very allergic to yellowjacket/wasps/hornet stings.  We keep these small bottles in the work truck, RV, car, house.  They work very quickly and can prevent a very serious reaction.  4 tiny tablets under the tongue every 4-6 hours.
note- the tablets come in 2 strengths 6x and 30x.  Get the full strength~  ;)
Also, I've heard that the venom in honey bees is different than yellowjackets.  Some people are very allergic to wasps and such, but not bothered by honey bees.  Might help to convince the wife~
AND!  raw local honey and honey comb is the best for allergies!  
dragonsfire said:
In Europe they use honey bees to heal arthritis by having the Bees sting the area.
:stop:  :shocked:   I'd think long and hard before asking to be stung by bees, in the very least about where I was having it done!  
The woman's case has been reported in the Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology, by doctors from the allergy division of University Hospital, Madrid.
She had been having the treatment once a month for two years at a private clinic to improve muscular contractures and stress.
Well the problem is incompetent doctors are a dime a dozen and give a bad name for everything else. Heck they want to remove Vit C from the shelves and have it only prescribed by doctors at strength of 50mg, some years back they were going to remove some herbs like Cayenne also.
Now this is a thread that's right up my alley. I'm Jerret, Currently live in south Louisiana on 1.3 acres. We have an all electric acadian-style home equipped with supplemental solar. We are vegetarian and grow as much food as we know how (learn every season) we breed goats And sell their babies for added income. We currently have nine chickens that will lay anywhere from four to seven eggs a day for our personal egg consumption. the state of Louisiana's laws towards products like pickles and hot sauce have made it really easy for us to connect with locals and sell our hot sauces from the peppers we grow each year in our garden. It pretty much generates enough for seeds and supplemental compost each season.


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Busy weekend. Started clearing the back part of our property of blackberry and elderberry in order to grow our butterfly garden. The property already has Kashmir bouquet that comes up every year. Our plans are to plant a bunch of milkweed so it can also start to take over this area. The two highly invasive plants are very beneficial to the butterfly communities. Milkweed in particular is necessary for monarchs as it is the only place they will lay their eggs. Though the picture does not show it justice and I did not take a before picture. We cleared from where the chainsaw is sitting. Roughly 30 ft back (down a drop-off) and about 100' across. By next summer we expect this whole area to be grown back up with flowers for the pollinators.


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