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recipe-help Stuck making a wing sauce

So doing wings and steak at the in laws tomorrow. I jokingly stated i could make a ripping hot wing sauce for kind of a dare type thing. Of COURSE, father in law was like “I’m down for it” (which shocked me cause he does t have a high heat tolerance. I was like okaaaayyyyy. Going to do 6 orange ghosts, 5 chocolate ghosts, garlic, and thinking maybe some of my peach jam for a little touch of flavor and sweet, butter, and vinegar.

What say ye? Sound like a good track?
Lots of vinegar for the tanginess of a wing sauce and some garlic powder and yes you are on the right track.
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Make the classic franks hot sauce and butter recipe.....then jack it up...
Have fun, let us know how it turns out.
You can always use any Louisiana type hot sauce as your base. They are cheap enough too.
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Make the classic franks hot sauce and butter recipe.....then jack it up...
Have fun, let us know how it turns out.
Don’t have any. I usually eat my own sauces, Tabasco (which I am apparently out of, and occasionally fire stick. And, Wellllll, what had happen was…..finished working at 3 today, and it is Friday, so I decided to start my weekend early! No driving for me! 😂🤣
Make two versions. Make the dare version, and one that is hot but edible (for everyone). This way you get to showcase you skills as a saucemaker, and if no one will touch the hot one, you have the flavorful one! But if he goes for the extreme one, great!
Thought about that, but wife picked up a bottle of moore’s Buffalo sauce for those that don’t want the 🔥💥. So far, all the sauces I’ve made, including the super hots (to most people ), have been praised. The. BBQ sauce I did for the 4th, the “hot” version, was used more than the not so much one!
Fair enough! Bring the fire!
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Recipe sounds good. I'd add a little lime juice is all. Balance the sweetness while adding a little flavor.
Sauce turned out pretty good. My 12 year old liked it, father-in-law liked it, mother -in -law and sister-in-law tried it (way too hot for them). Ended up leaving butter out and just did it like a normal type hot sauce. I can’t speak as to the shelf life, as I can’t afford even a cheap ph meter unfortunately.

Peach ghost pepper sauce

6 orange ghosts
5 chocolate ghosts
4 cloves of garlic
5-8 tablespoons peach jam
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1/4 cup white vinegar
5 and 1/2 tablespoons lime juice
Salt to taste

Combine vinegars. Purée everything together . Simmer in a saucepan on stovetop, and reduce to desired consistency (I usually make mine on the thicker side. Cool, jar, refrigerate, and enjoy!
Sounds like a winner. What was the color like mixing chocolates and orange? Like, a dull yellow?