indoor staking indoor peppers?

I just transplanted 9 out of my indoor starts in the garden, but this year for the first time I've kept 4 indoors.  Do the indoor ones need any kind of support?  I run a fan on them an hour every day, but that's about it.
Also, I've been keeping my lights within a few inches of my peppers.  The Serrano and King Arthur are getting taller, but the Naga and Reaper are staying really really compact.  Should I raise the lights and get those two to stretch out a bit more?


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You really only need to stake them if they're gonna be producing loads of pods. From my experience, when you stake young plants the stems aren't going to develop as strong. But sometimes you have no choice. I live in a windy area so I need to stake them sometimes to keep them from getting damaged but indoors I see no reason to stake them.