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shopping soil mites in purchased soil

ok so iv got some plants going, no peppers sorry but i found info in this tread about my problem, iv got a vegetable garden going full organic and i just got ready for a new grow, i bought some soil at my local hydro store, got some foxfam happy frog and some roots organic that im mixing up for my base soil, anywho after potting some up and getting it ready for some transplants i noticed alot of tiny little clear-white-ish soil mites walking around, i found a thread here from google while searching about freezing soil if it will kill the soil mites come to find out no, i dont want to use my microwave or over as the stink is absoutly overwhelming and nausiating, but i read about boiling water, so basically im looking for some reassurance on the subject, my plan is to mix up the remainder of my soil and get it in the large pots then boil a bunch of water and keep watering each pot till i get a gallon or more of runoff... is that good? any other tips on how to properly do this so i can insure no bugs or their eggs will survive, iv read that these particular mites only stay in the soil and they are preditors of other insects like fungus gnat larvae, and harmful molds n such, honestly though for growing indoors year round, beneficial preditors or not, i loath at the idea of keeping insects in my soil, it just makes my skin crawl lol... so all in all i guess am i on the right track? im using 6 gallon tall bucket like pots with the mix of soils, a few gallons of boiling water to get an even soak should nuke em all yes? lol sorry for the runon im really tired, been up all night researching this problem. any and all help is GREATLY appreciated
If you are worried about why are you doing and not hydro? Since you are growing inside hydro would probably be better anyways
honestly i still believe the best things come from an organic grow, done right its great but i still dont like the idea of bugs indoors, iv had many grows without bugs just ran into this problem, i used to run a DWC and sure its great but its a ton of work, i like the set it and forget it mentality with organics, its not as much tedious up keep like any hydro system with all the pumps and water changes just killed my wallet so to speak.
I had this same problem with my soils. Found fungus gnats had managed to survive the sterilization processes of the company. I think h2o2 will kill off those mites alongside everything else in the soil. As would boiling and cooking the mix. Much less effort to use h2o2 35% plus its fully compatible with organics.