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Processing Habaneros

I just tried my hand at my first homemade hot sauce last night, using fresh oranges and habaneros. It came out thinner than I'd like, but not too bad. I used a food processor with the raw habaneros with garlic and onions sauteed in olive oil. The peppers came out in very small chunks, almost suspened in the base, and not the texture I was hoping for (like a pepper mash.)

Any suggestions for how to process habaneros to get a more mash-like texture? Thanks.

John S.
John S. said:
I just tried my hand at my first homemade hot sauce last night, using fresh oranges and habaneros. It came out thinner than I'd like, but not too bad. I used a food processor with the raw habaneros with garlic and onions sauteed in olive oil. The peppers came out in very small chunks, almost suspened in the base, and not the texture I was hoping for (like a pepper mash.)

Any suggestions for how to process habaneros to get a more mash-like texture? Thanks.

John S.

Yes, don't add anything to the peppers. Or. if you really HAVE to add stuff to the peppers, don't spin them in the prcessor as long.
Define "mash-like texture".

We crush our peppers before adding them to the sauce.

Also, you want to be very careful packing fresh peppers in oil, water and oil are a friendly breeding ground for botulism.

Nah, I don't wanna kill anyone...But I do so enjoy a testosterone-filled waterhead approaching my booth and telling me I can't make it hot enough for him. One VERY good way to derive pleasure.
DEFCON Creator said:
Nah, I don't wanna kill anyone...But I do so enjoy a testosterone-filled waterhead approaching my booth and telling me I can't make it hot enough for him. One VERY good way to derive pleasure.

If I thought the Peppermaster would let me, I'd keep a bottle of zero at the shop just for such waterheads... Wanna talk about letting us co-pack it for you???

DEFCON Creator said:
Copack the ZERO???? And allow the secrets of the ancient texts into the hands of one who is not of the body?

:: ducks and covers, just as the earth trembles benieth my feet and lightnigh starts to strike ::

You have angered The CREATOR!!! The end is nie! The end is nie!

Seriously... come into the kitchen, you can do the work yourself... Greg will cut you a deal on the labour. lol.

You don't think we do the work for every co-pack we do?

I forgot, your kitchen is only a short, little 12 hour drive away.

Wait a minute...I sense an ulterior motive...Ahhh yes, you're not interested in the ZERO, you just want me to load the truck with chicken wings, because our birds don't have the flu.
I didn't suggest that there wasn't an ulterior motive, but aside from the chicken wings, I figured if you were coming anyway, you could bring some habanero doritos too... I mean, while you were at it. :)
Road Train... hmmm, yet another cultural reference that went over my head.

But if that's what floats your boat... Road Train from Jersey, it is.

Should I make up the guest room or would you like me to make hotel reservations?
