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Possible Scam?

All these fake emails... I was contacted by Mrs. Melania Trump! We know that has to be legit, right?
From First Lady Mrs, Melania Trump.[/size]

I am Mrs. Melania  Trump and I am written to inform you about your Bank Cheque Draft brought by the United Embassy from the government of NIGERIA in the white house Washington DC which contains the sum of $25 millions us dollars credited from the bank of America, the delivery of your funds has been mandated to be deliver to your address on Wednesday being 31th of Oct,2018 to you as soon as you get back to me with your home address and your cell phone number.[/size]

Bear in mind that I have taking my time to be in charge of your funds as instructed by my husband to ensure that you received your funds successfully from the white house to reduce the economy and I’m the only one that has your funds in regard to my husband Dr.Donal Trump and you will have to pay the sum of $260.00 only before your Bank Cheque Draft will deliver to you on Wednesday the reason why the fee is required is to have your funds clearance paper from the origin of the funds to avoid any harassment from the authority and you are also expecting to be announce as winner of the said amount by Wednesday as soon as your fund is delivered to you.[/size]

So you are urgent advised to get back to me with your home address and also the payment information today for immediate effect of your delivery. Note that the $260.00 is the only fee and final payment you have my assurance.[/size]

However, according to our agreement with the originated NIGERIA, all our communications should be on email for record purpose so follow my instruction accordingly, even if you don’t have the $260.00 usd try to borrow it and send it immediately because this is your life opportunity and I don’t want you to lose the chance any more.[/size]

Please I will advice you to urgent make the payment this morning via western union or money gram money transfer to the listed cashier information as instructed you by the originated authority. I will look forward to received your email today with the payment to enable the origin secure the required clearance papers required at White House NIGERIA to deliver your funds. Note that it will take only 14hrs to deliver your Bank Cheque Draft in receipt of the $260.00 payment.[/size]

Please find the payment details below to send the $260.00 via western union or money gram.[/size]

 Receiver Name: NNADILI CHINASA LOVELINE [/size]

Country ,,,,,,    Nigeria[/size]
City ,,,,,               Awka[/size]
Amount:       $260.00 only [/size]
MTCN reference number............[/size]
Sender Name...........[/size]
Sender's Telephone……[/size]
Sender's Address........[/size]

Am looking forward to your respond to your email with the payment today.[/size]


 Mrs.Melania Trump first Lady [/size]

The White House[/size]

(Official Residence of the President of the US)[/size]

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW[/size]

Washington DC 20500 USA[/size]
If you look at the part I bolded & underlined you know this has to be legit, " [/size] I’m the only one that has your funds in regard to my husband Dr.Donal Trump ", ... As in most relationships, the woman holds the purse strings! [/size]
These Are the 10 Worst Colleges in America

(first one in a couple weeks..I just know this one is legit, he uses acronyms)
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I have decided to approach you for a possible partnership in a multi-million dollars project in crude oil trading. The company I work for is the Singapore Refining Company Pte Ltd (SRC). We have urgent need for a 2 million barrel supply of NATIONAL OIL COOPERATION OF  LIBYA (NOCL) crude oil per month for a total period of 12 month (1year).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Our company vice president Ms. Foo, who is directly in charge of crude oil purchase in our company, has given me the responsibility of looking for a crude oil licensed agent with the NOCL who we can make this purchase possible. This is so because the NOCL does not sale their product directly to the buyers rather, through their approved licensed agents who acts as their sales agent/middle man between them and their buyers.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]My proposal is this; that we (me and you) work together to get you the NOCL license which will authorize you to be a sales agent for the NOCL and subsequently the middle man between our company and NOCL in our company’s purchase intentions. The NOCL license can be assigned to your name as an individual license operator or to your company name if you have a company owned by you alone registered with your local authorities.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I will assist you step by step in the process leading to securing the license from the NOCL and thereafter introduce you to our company for the signing of all the sales agreements with the NOCL. As the license holder, the NOCL will remit the sales commissions to your nominate commission receiving Banking coordinates after our company effects the payment of the cargo to the NOCL being the seller.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I will have a take home of 40% of your commissions for my facilitating roles while the remaining 60% commission  goes to you as the license owner.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Please note:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]My intentions to profit from this operation should be kept discrete between the both of us. It's against my work ethics to profiteer from our company’s dealing with NOCL but I have seen this as a good opportunity for me to save enough money against my imminent retirement hence my decision to source for a partner who can work with me in this regard.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Feel free to ask for clarifications to enable you understand this process further. You can also reach me at: [/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]johansmit5@mail.com[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Best Regards[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Johan Smit[/SIZE]
I almost fell for one 16 years ago, a good friend slapped some sense into me and I told them to pound sand lol. They almost got my wife with a lotto scam, thankfully she called me to say she was gonna western union the money and I stopped her cold. Some things never change
Holy crap, score!  :shocked:
My name is Warren Buffett, A philanthropist the CEO and Chairman of the Berkshire Hathaway. I believe strongly in 'giving while living' I have one idea that never changes in my mind - I have decided to donate this amount through our Sunshine Lady Humanitarian Grants Program to give out {$ 5,500,000.00} Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United Dollars, to randomly selected individuals worldwide. On receipt of this email, you should count yourself as one of the lucky individuals.
Your email address was chosen online while searching at random. Kindly get back to me at your earliest convenience. I have no idea what you're doing here. I can not wait to receive your email. 
I have made contact with my payout bank on how to receive your grant donation fund. 
Happy New Year. 
Warren Buffett.
You guys are luckier than I am. I used to win BMWs and Irish lotteries (sometimes Spanish) all the time. No more. Now not even the Nigerian royal orphans with dying wealthy spouses sometimes with a faith in God that they were making the right choice in me.
Now I get messages from Microsoft or Hotmail saying my account will be terminated unless I click here.
I  get phishing scams, too, but I think phishing is worth a thread of its own.
There was a local discussion board that was targeted by some scammer(s) trying to do a primitive SEO optimization by planting some health/fitness product names in the text and then posting that all over the place. They were obviously written in some other language and run through some really bad translation software. I can almost follow what they're saying but their words could be like listening to ballet in tap shoes, or rocks in a blender. It can be equally puzzling and funny.
I could catch these early in the morning before the board owner got online and deleted them.
- - - - -
In a supersized mankind, fill someone many opportunities to eat and habituate WAY too untold, but what's down avoirdupois is commonly author than craving a monstrous arrangement of murphy. In Ground, a better fast manufacture has grown around
(product name) avoirdupois and forces overweight group to pay a big cost for trendy diets, pills, or expensive and high-risk surgeries. By eliminating carbohydrates or fat, winning pills or injections, sprinkling crystals on your matter, resorting to surgical intervention, or drunkenness miracle fasting potions, many dieters temporarily recede pounds - but they do not lose the mindset that contributes toward coefficient benefit. The lead is that after all that lignified employ and sense flatbottom solon discouraged.
Metric departure hypnosis can support you convert how you feel and get standard of your bad dieting habits. (product name)
Measure Disadvantage Hypnosis Breaks Down WHY You Eat
Hypnosis upbringing has helped people retrograde unit sustainably by changing how they comprehend nearly their consumption habits, reducing express and pushing and learning how to loose. Consumption too more has cypher to do with hurt, but instead has everything to do with postgraduate show, racing thoughts, and another dismissive moody feelings that food allows a organism to disconcert themselves from idea.
Equal all hypnosis, coefficient deprivation hypnosis uses the state of suasion time group are in a relaxed land as yearlong as the suggestions are concordant with what the person WANTS to do in the primary judge. Line of the intensity is on loose preferences and choices toward gambler choices in food and overcoming your substance cravings. Since numerous dieters eff perverse mentation patterns that encourage them to use donuts and cheesy monastic bowls to modify how they find, unit diminution hypnosis also encourages you to see yourself as a ironlike patterns not as disadvantage but as empowering and simplified because it’s what you poorness to do in the basic determine.
- - - - -
3. areola serum. Nipple items repairs crumbled or ulcer hard nips may possibly commonly be simply by interesting mums and are often used to help make moving much more comfortable. Free to give a presentation, (product name) told midway signifies the availability of first volume cards undo. make me feel happier about by myself, and i also can guarantee this task have you feeling smarter much too. it seems this particular performed services; basically finished all players behave, most people kept status in their tv and eventually would a lot stunning vocalizing throughout the large ballad this skill Isn all you Are (granted, It went on a bit more urging using (product name), what person laid off their personal first consider as in addition to urged them to it selected lite flite affable humour ongoing when asleep you observe how beautiful my husband and my rear end seems to be because of up there? He inquired users inside your second veranda previous educating those in. .. all of the loges that seem as if you ready to buy to me on few of monster robot software hands.
Oh boy, the woman of my dreams!~

Are you a gentleman or macho, or are you just outspoken and generous. Well I like a man who is a bit of all these and apart from it he should be reliable, responsible and straightforward. I am Kristina from Chelyabinsk, Russia and I am in search of my potential husband, lover and friend all in all. I want someone just for myself, so that he is always there for me and fills my life fully. I want to drown myself in his love and see nothing other than him. I want to fall in love madly, deeply and only once.If you share at least some of these feelings then you are a candidate for being my love. And you can meet me by joining this elite family oriented online dating website by clicking here on this link. I hope you will find me there and we will become friends. Whatever be the outcome of our friendship I am sure it will be a nice experience to both of us. Apart from me you will also meet thousands of similar beautiful girls from my country and neighborhood.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Oh boy, the woman of my dreams!~

Are you a gentleman or macho, or are you just outspoken and generous. Well I like a man who is a bit of all these and apart from it he should be reliable, responsible and straightforward. I am Kristina from Chelyabinsk, Russia and I am in search of my potential husband, lover and friend all in all. I want someone just for myself, so that he is always there for me and fills my life fully. I want to drown myself in his love and see nothing other than him. I want to fall in love madly, deeply and only once.If you share at least some of these feelings then you are a candidate for being my love. And you can meet me by joining this elite family oriented online dating website by clicking here on this link. I hope you will find me there and we will become friends. Whatever be the outcome of our friendship I am sure it will be a nice experience to both of us. Apart from me you will also meet thousands of similar beautiful girls from my country and neighborhood.
Uh oh, she wants to drown herself in your love. You know what that means... STALKER and maybe a little ‍♂️Crazy
OMG! A "consignment box" arrived at JFK for me! And Kirstjen Nielsen, Badge # JTT 0471011111, has contacted me!


Attn: Dear ATM VISA CARD Owner ....... Read Carefully 

I, Kirstjen Nielsen,Am hereby announcing to you that your consignment box received at JFK airport since last few months from authorities and Every necessary fees charges has been paid by senders except $ 500.00 for CCC custom clearance certificate but a Lady Mrs. Pamela Robert came forward and claimed you sent her to claim your fund because you are sick and been in the hospital, that you are having kidney problem in a process of surgery as it's now.

John F. Kennedy Int'l Airport NYC that you are a member of the company who is informed that  we are catered to the agreement with the Custom Custom Clearance Certificate (CCC) will send $ 1,000.00 latest tomorrow morning.

John F. Kennedy International Airport New York are making arranging to have your contract fund wired into the bank account of Mrs. Pamela Robert, the lady that contacted them, earlier and presented some documentations evidencing your claim Fundamentally, you are forced to sign up with the contract. Custom Clearance Certificate charges as imposed, despite the advise we gave to you.

I want to personally assure you once more that you will have concurrent of this project, as we will continue monitoring all your conversation as with your correspondence, until you have received your consignment box As a LEGAL OWNER, we are here to protect your interest and that is the reason why we are doing all we can to make sure all goes well, this is a huge amount of money what we do not wish for you to lose.

We understand that the imposed fee might be too much for you,US Custom Authority at (JFK) John F. Kennedy International Airport New York pleaded on your behalf for them to give you the grace of sending half of the charges $ 500 for now after which the Diplomatic Agent makes the delivery of your consignment box to you then you receive it, you can then pay the balance of $ 500, 

All we want you to do,is to get the Custom Clearance Certificate and the diplomat will make delivery to your home address tomorrow morning by 9:00 AM 

Kirstjen-Nielsen@secretary.net Contact us right away and let me know when you send me with a feeling of paying with money to take with imperative. This is a life time oppotunity and we will advise you take advantage of it, before it is too late to do so. God bless you! Thanks. Yours in service, visit email 
Best Regards,
Mrs Kirstjen Nielsen

BADGE - JTT 0471011111 

Can someone spot me 500 bucks & I'll split the contents with ya! First PM with credit card # gets priority....
Please send a "test" email first to Kirstjen Nielsen <WWW.@chic.ocn.ne.jp> first as I'm sure that's a legit email account!

WOW! A $15.5 million dollar United Nation Lottery Award Promo and I won!
Dear Valued Customer:

I want to assure you 100% that this transaction is not a scam and there is no risk involved because we shall guide you accordingly until you receive your payment. However, the payment of $15.5 million was awarded and approved in your name by the United Nations. This payment is a United Nation Lottery Award Promo, your name was selected among fifty other names in the lottery award draw. Right now, this payment is currently with us here in GT Bank.

As you may know, we have programmed this payment through ATM MasterCard in your favor, bear in mind that the original copies of your ATM Cards will be delivered to your address through our courier service. We will also issue you a Four Digit Pin Number for you to access and withdraw money from your account once the cards are delivered to you. You can only withdraw a maximum of $20,000 in a day at any ATM Machine close to you.

To this effect, you are advised to send us your full name, address, your cell phone number and a copy of your driver's license for identification. As soon as we receive these information from you, we shall conclude delivery arrangement with our courier service to enable them dispatch the package to your address within 24 hours without anymore delay.

Thank you for choosing GT Bank.


Wire Transfer Director

E-Mail;;;; gtbank92@mail.com
