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raised-bed PepperJam's Raised Bed 2011 Growlog

This past weekend i planted the rest of my superhots and not so superhots into my raised bed garden. Its a 4 foot by 8 foot. I'm spacing them only 1 foot apart (1 foot squares) so i have 32 slots. Here is my list (legend: (h) - hawaii, (r) - refining, (d) - daves)

  • red bhut(h)
  • red bhut(r)
  • red bhut(d)
  • yellow bhut (d)
  • choco bhut (d)
  • red 7pod (r)
  • yellow 7pod (r)
  • red 7pod (d)
  • yellow 7pod (d)
  • brain strain
  • naga morich (r)
  • trini scorpion (r)
  • trinidad congo
  • red habanero
  • fatalli
  • super chilli
  • thai birds eye
  • early jalapeno
  • giant jalapeno
  • biker billy jalapeno
  • serrano
  • numex sunrise
  • kung pao
  • cali bell pepper
  • carmen bell pepper

Here is the map of how i'm laying them out.


The super chillis, thai birds eye peppers are already fruiting.

Here are some pics of my setup:

one side

the other side

closer view

and some plants (red, yellow, choco bhuts, brain strain, and biker billy jalapeno) in 5 gallon buckets just to see how they compare vs square foot garden. Same soil mix as raised bed.

Winds hit, tore up the plastic setup you saw in my prev post. I added bamboo stakes to stabilize the main stem against the crazy winds. The large lush leaves are now pointing downward, they look like they are exhausted. I hope they recuperate. Its going to get cold tonite, so i put a frost cloth ontop.
why is there plastic?
is it to prevent bugs from getting to the flowers? :crazy:

what kind of planter mix is it? it looks like potting soil, is it sunshine mix?
Awesome pics and awesome choices to plant!! Looks great good luck to you during your growing season :dance:

why is there plastic?
is it to prevent bugs from getting to the flowers? :crazy:

what kind of planter mix is it? it looks like potting soil, is it sunshine mix?

The plastic is to harden them off slowly with the sun and wind and prevent heavy rains from ripping up the seedlings.

Its mel's square foot gardening mix. I made it myself, and it consists of 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 different compost mix (tea, cow, mushroom, lady bug brand, chicken, leaf mold), and 1/3 vermiculite. I adjusted the PH to around 6 using aluminum sulfate.

woo drippers :woohoo: ! are you just dripping water or fertilizer?

They are drippers for water only right now. I hand water-fertilize them every now and then.

Awesome pics and awesome choices to plant!! Looks great good luck to you during your growing season :dance:


Thanks, i just hope they survived that wind storm.
Nice. I have a similar setup. 2 4x4 raised beds, doing 1 foot square spots and Mel's mix. Seemed to work great last year with just 1 4x4 bed.
ok, plastic for shade?

on the home made mix
is it lasagna(layered)
in there or all mixed together?
looks like perlite (white stuff) in there too?

sorry to be a pain :crazy:
ok, plastic for shade?

on the home made mix
is it lasagna(layered)
in there or all mixed together?
looks like perlite (white stuff) in there too?

sorry to be a pain :crazy:

Yea, its like a shade, just using it for less intense sun light. Its translucent. Its mixed thoroughly. The white stuff is vermiculite.
After the wind storm hit, i thought my plants were goners. looks like they bounced back like everyone here mentioned. i side dressed each plant with a little epsom. sprayed with kelp foliar. and fertilized with liquid karma, pro grow, and calmag. i potted up some plants to see how raised beds fare vs 5 gallon pots.



From bottom to top, red bhut jolokia, brain strain, biker billy jalapeno, chocolate bhut, and yellow bhut. The poles on the side serve no purpose in case you are wondering. Just some expermintation for putting cover on some plants earlier in the year.

Just another update. The early jalapeno's are starting to flower. They are the first plant grown indoors without flowers to start flowering outside. Super chillis and thai birds eye already started flowering indoors, but the thai birds eye is growing like crazy. Some pics:

Early Jalapeno

Thai Birds Eye Pepper

The other peppers in raised bed are growing well

Another update, leaves are picking back up after last weeks wind beating.


thai birds pepper are growing like crazy, probably have 60 on each plant already. They are tiny (about 1 inch).


Early Jalapenos are starting to fruit too


The potted plants are doing well. The bhut jolokias are picking up. The red bhut is growing real nice and is flowering



Just another view of the raised bed

Nice looking plants pepperjam. Looks like your off to really good start. Keep posting pics of your progress. I like pics!!!

TGIF update! Everything is going well. Weather is real nice these past few days. Mid 80's, 60's at night. Everything is growing well. The capiscum chinese plants at the front row of the raised bed are slow.


another view


The early jalapeno's are getting big!


My first habanero of 2011!


First super hot in my life that i've grown, Red Bhut! Its the one in the 5 gallon pot. Yea its tiny i know!

Man, looking great! Are those drippers or soaker hoses? Brand name? Gallons per minute? I'm still a few weeks out from irrigation of my new raised beds, so I'd better get a game plan together... :cool: Yours is stellar!
Very neat bed and nice early pods. Everything looks great. I'm interested in seeing how big the plants can get with that close spacing.
Man, looking great! Are those drippers or soaker hoses? Brand name? Gallons per minute? I'm still a few weeks out from irrigation of my new raised beds, so I'd better get a game plan together... :cool: Yours is stellar!

They are adjustable drippers, i bought them from home depot. More info here. i just let it run for 3 minutes. There are 8 spray jets or so. Since my plants are planted in 1 foot squares, i just rotate the drippers so they hit the base of each plant. Each dripper is placed in the middle of a 2x2 square. so one dripper waters 4 squares.