Pepper seeds

midwestchilehead said:
Seeds arrived today. Thanks for the quick service and the freebies! Where do you find those small, white seed envelopes?
I ordered in a few boxes of different types of envelopes to test with, before settling on those. Those are 2" coin envelopes. Acid free, meant for preservation of coins without any reactivity or degradation (oxidation). 
I figure they'll be about the most stable paper I can get, for pepper seeds.  They're sturdy, yet still breathable without letting seeds fall through any holes, and the neutral / acid free paper shouldn't react with the seeds inside.
At least, that's the theory.
When I got them they were 21.99 / 1k, price has gone up a little -
They cost just over 2 cents each, when I got them. More expensive than tiny zip log baggies but I can't stand zip locks. Don't breathe, plastic may interact with seeds (plastic off gasses), static makes it a pain in the ass to work with, etc.
ETA: Plus the laser printer labels I bought wouldn't stick to plastic baggies, which really frustrated me; labels stick to paper just fine though!!
Thanks. Yeah I hate the ziplocks too, but they are cheap when I can find them at Wal Mart. I'll bet the static cling really drives buyers crazy though so I have been looking for a reasonably priced alternative.
Got mine in today, thanks for the extras, I was expecting Fatalii yellows, but should of read the description for it being red. But as luck would have it both my Fatalii Yellows, and Reds came up while waiting to get these. Super excited for the Moruga x Reaper, and the Brown Bhut. Also can never have too many Aji Lemon Drops. 10/10 Will Buy From Again.
Hawkins said:
Got mine in today, thanks for the extras, I was expecting Fatalii yellows, but should of read the description for it being red. But as luck would have it both my Fatalii Yellows, and Reds came up while waiting to get these. Super excited for the Moruga x Reaper, and the Brown Bhut. Also can never have too many Aji Lemon Drops. 10/10 Will Buy From Again.
Some of them will likely turn out yellow, it was a red plant (oddball from a pack of Yellow fatalli) growing in the middle of 250+ yellow fatallis. It was my oversight that led to the yellows not getting in inventory. The seed envelope got left out at the farm where the mice got in to it. Missed it when I was bringing all of the seeds home. We de-seeded like 10,000 frigging seeds and then I left it behind. :(
The Moruga x Reapers are very, very good. 
I just put another tray of Aji Limo's down last night here. I was going through my grow list and I"m like.. wait.. where the hell are all the Aji's!??!!
So I started four trays of various Aji's. :)
Like the description said everything last year was open pollinated so do expect some stuff to not grow true. That being said, I had blocks of cucumbers between the peppers which drew away the vast majority of bees. Very few bees in the pepper plants last year. Rows were also planted E-W which is our predominant wind direction so wind cross pollination should have been pretty minimal. 
We'll just have to see how everything grows out this year! I'm hoping for some nice surprises on new phenos, I'd actually be disappointed if I didn't see a bunch of new types of peppers emerge from the cauldron. :)
So far the germ rate on everything I've planted from our seed stock which has sprouted has been incredibly good, only thing lagging a little is 7-pot Brainstrain, but they're sluggish to germinate anyway. I started trays from the same seeds we shipped from for Q&A so I had a baseline if anyone had trouble getting things to sprout.
Can't wait to get some of the isolated ones next year. Are you starting over with new seed stock for them? And what is your isolation method?
Hawkins said:
Can't wait to get some of the isolated ones next year. Are you starting over with new seed stock for them? And what is your isolation method?
For the most part yes, I've picked up close to 300 varieties to grow this year. 
We have one 24x96 high tunnel that is getting enclosed in 40 micron anti-thrip mesh that'll keep out pollinators and pests. I'll also continue to grow out several varieties indoors. For overflow I'm framing in pallets and covering them with thrip mesh and dropping drip emitters in to them for irrigation. 
This is our isolation high tunnel; built it last year, putting it in service this year
I seen you mention that your inkjet labels wouldn't stick to plastic have you thought about thermal printers for lables? In the long run they are way cheaper then ink. You can used them on your paper envelopes as well.
Hawkins said:
I seen you mention that your inkjet labels wouldn't stick to plastic have you thought about thermal printers for lables? In the long run they are way cheaper then ink. You can used them on your paper envelopes as well.
I had the laser printer already, so when we started doing seeds I just found these sheets of little labels on Amazon. I used the laser printer to print the 1/2 sheet UPS & USPS priority mail for pepper shipments last year at the farm. We don't have internet out there, and I didn't bother running any network cabling, so use my LTE hotspot w/ my tablet to look up orders on shopify, then print to that printer over wifi direct. 
When I say there's no internet at the farm, it's rural enough there *is* no available internet. Not even in range of the nearest tower w/ 802.11 on it from the guys who do rural wireless, without building my own tower to peek over the horizon. :)
TrentL said:
When I say there's no internet at the farm, it's rural enough there *is* no available internet. Not even in range of the nearest tower w/ 802.11 on it from the guys who do rural wireless, without building my own tower to peek over the horizon. :)
Can you get satellite internet? I had it for 17 years here where I live because nothing else was available.
TrentL said:
No way, Jose. When my hughes contract ended many years ago, it was one of the happier days of my life. Took the dish to the range and gave it a right and proper retirement.
OWWWEEEEE, sorry to hear of your bad experience. For us it was an only option and was not great, but better than nothing. We changed last year when fiber optic went past our place and we connected to that. 1 gig service now! The REAL high speed internet.
We've got gig service available in town but not out in the country. I may be able to do a short wireless shot if I put up a 50' tower at the farm and my house. I used to climb towers about 15 years ago to do 802.11b/g wireless shoots, so pretty familiar with what I need to do my own. Not sure if I can get line of sight through all the trees, though, 50' may not cut it unless I can find a place to do a relay (if I shoot the signal northeast, I'm clear of trees and would then have line of sight to the farm from there). There's a hog farm NE of me that would work well for the relay, they can't get internet either, so maybe work something out with them.
Assuming I ever get any time. :)
Seeds arrived today. Thanks for the fast service, Trent. And thanks for the freebies.
Sawyer said:
Seeds arrived today. Thanks for the fast service, Trent. And thanks for the freebies.
No prob! 
There was one order which was delayed by 2 days because my 4 year old grabbed the printout off the printer and decided to do an art project with it... I was going back through and noticed one hadn't been mailed Saturday, and investigated. She must have heard the printer kick on when I printed it out. There was a half bowl of cereal sitting on top of the printer and the order was covered in crayon in another room...
So if you ordered seeds Thursday, they went out with yesterday's mail....