pests Pepper plant after pest infestation. Diseased or not?

Hi all, 
I have moved to a new place, which meant my grow tent could now go into a room with a opening window (yay free cooling).
However soon after, my new sprouts and one slightly older plant got infested with a small bug, that jumped when touched, also only lived on the top leaves.
I made some insect soap, and began spraying. The sprouts where all so badly harmed, that I tossed them and started new ones. However the older plant is still alive, but experiencing some symptoms I hope someone could help diagnose.
Heres a few pictures. Mostly small holes in the leafs, and darkening under most leafs, even new ones. When I carefully look under the leafs I don't see any bugs, and are wondering if they might have transmitted some disease to it? 
I have been hesitant to move my newly started sprouts into the grow tent, at least until I know what im dealing with here. 