Now I Came Into the House to do Something...


Extreme Member
What was it....oh get another drinking a 23.5 ounce Joose with 9.9% alcohol and made with Caffein, Ginseng, and Taurine...haven't got a clue what Taurine is....taste like kaka but I can stand the taste for the kick it is giving me......hold on THP....AJs got a buzz........... :lol: :lol: :lol:

So what are all the working people doing on a sunny Friday afternoon at 3 PM.......
AlabamaJack said:
So what are all the working people doing on a sunny Friday afternoon at 3 PM.......

Sounds like an interesting beer to say the least.

I'm getting ready for more SXSW madness.

Yesterday I saw, to name a few. Napalm Death. High on Fire and MOTERHEAD. Then saw the Dicks and something really special, Powell St.John.
It is very interesting and through about 1/3 of the next can I am beginning to not care how it tastes......

I haven't tried the SXSW local liquor store owner and I have a common thread...we like "not off the shelf" beers and when he gets a new one in...he lets me know...

I also got a 6-pack of Murphys Red...supposed to be new but there is no data on it except it was "brewed from the original recipe in 1856"....

OK turn me on......
Hey we already have a drinking thread! For shame AJ ;)

I just finished a review and am about to post it. Earlier I went to the gardening store and picked up some supplies.
imaguitargod said:
Hey we already have a drinking thread! For shame AJ ;)

I just finished a review and am about to post it. Earlier I went to the gardening store and picked up some supplies.

need a pout smiley face now but don't have I missing it or can we have a "pout" smiley here......

when you went to the gardening store...did they have a cooler?...
imaguitargod said:
Uhhhh....nooooo....but the beer store I visited right after had ione :lol:

what did you take pleasure in?
totally in the dark here....
wanna tell ya something...2 of those Jooses and one Murphys Red in an hour put me down for bout 2 hours....
I was "Spring cleaning" @ 3pm... Just got done. Didn't really get rid of anything, but the house sure is clean!

So...who's coming over to shoot some pool? I have a 12er of Red Hook "Copper Hook" just chilling in the fridge and I'm enjoying one now...ok so that makes 11 in the fridge.
Taurine, or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid
Taurine is essential for cat health, as a cat cannot synthesize the compound
Despite its presence in many energy drinks, taurine has not been shown to be energy-giving

A.J. hope that helps when I worked at an exotic pet shop(i was in charge of the reptile tarantula and small mammal dept. I remembered something about taurine and cats :lol:
Cats huh...I won't go there....

boy what a buzz...I don't thnk I will buy any more of those Jooses...
I was PM-ing (such a word?) someone on another 'hot' forum then as we'd been discussing what we were going to be drinking that night. I think we were bored when we were meant to be working.