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New Contest

I was working the Nuclear Scurvy angle when I came up with Jungle Fever Blister! Some folks just love to eat stuff named after diseases. I, personally, love the name and am declaring it the winner. Thanks for all who entered! I will be happily awaiting my prize :)!
1.) Tempest Heat
2.) Satyrs Muse
3.) Icarus Bane -- something like this with your bottle and a sun
This name would have market appeal in the Japanese market (too bad their palate isn't accustomed to chili peppers).

Super fantastic happy tropical fire juice happy fun time GO!.
Huh? I thought I posted a suggestion a while ago, but it doesn't seem to have made it.

Tropical Tempest was the suggestion.
Is it just me or is anyone else getting worried about the Dyce-man. D, if you are still around, give us a shout, contest or otherwise.
hi all...I apologize for the delay...I had to go out of town for a lil while unexpectedly and I just got back late yestuday....I do apologize again. My wife and I will make a decision by this evening and the winner will be notified tonight....Sorry bout the dealy once again.....