fertilizer Need help with Fertilizer

I haven't been updating my glog lately because my garden sucks this year.  Plants (not just Peppers but other vegetables as well) are very short and they are not flowering nor fruiting well.  I sent the soil to a lab and got the analysis and recommendations back today.  They were nice enough to attach a pdf which I am supposed to use to determine the type (NPK) of fertilizer to use.  I am mathematically challenged and don't feel like solving any problems after the work week is over.  Can somebody please look at the analysis and tell me exactly what (NPK) to buy and how much of it I should buy and what strength of it I should use and how much of it should I use.  Ideally I would like 1 bag of something if it fits what I need exactly, but don't mind mixing stuff, as long as know the exact ration of fertilizers to use.  Also, from the analysis, is the nitrogen level in my soil low?  Is the organic matter percentage low?  Here is the analysis:
Nitrogen (N)

You will need a total of about 3.5 ounces of nitrogen for every 100 square feet of garden for the entire

year. Soil organic matter content will help lower this amount by providing nitrogen. It's best however, to

apply this amount throughout the growing season. See information sheet or go to

www.gardening.cornell.edu/soil/MVG for more information on calculating rate per application and

suggested timing.

Phosphorus (P)

Soil P level is at medium level. Broadcast about 3.0 ounces of phosphate (P2O5) per 100 square feet

prior to planting and work into the upper 2-4" of soil. Apply a starter solution high in P when setting

transplants. See information sheet or go to www.gardening.cornell.edu/soil/MVG for more information.

Potassium (K)

Soil K level is low. Broadcast about 3 ounces of potash (K2O) per 100 square feet prior to planting and

incorporate into the upper 2-4" of soil. Apply another 1.5 ounces at planting. See information sheet or

go to www.gardening.cornell.edu/soil/MVG for more information.

For more information go to www.gardening.cornell.edu/soil/MVG.


(Modified Morgan Analysis)

Your soil has:

Soil pH: 6.4 (Ok)

Phosphorus (P): 8 lbs/Acre (Medium)

Potassium (K): 93 lbs/Acre (Low)

Organic Matter: 2.8 %
Since I already planted, should I add the Phosphorus recommendations to add 4.5 ounces per 100 square feet now?
Here is some more analysis from a CSV file that they sent me.
Organic Matter 2.84  Buffer PH 6.26 PH 6.37 

Mod. Morgan Al.  ppm 


Mod. Morgan Ca.  ppm


Mod. Morgan Fe.  ppm


Mod. Morgan K.  ppm


Morgan Equiv. K



Mod. Morgan Mg.  ppm


Mod. Morgan Mn.  ppm


Mod. Morgan P.  ppm


Mod Morgan P. lbs/acre


Morgan Equiv. P


Mod. Morgan Zn.  ppm

I use Epsom Salt (Magnesium) tablespoon per 1 gallon,  Alaska Fish Fertilizer N-P-K analysis 5-1-1, 1 tablespoon per gallon, Bone Meal (Phosphorus) sprinkle on soil and dolomite lime for calcium just put it on the soil around base of plant