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preservation Need help! Any all natural alternatives to sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate

Got the following letter from the process authority. It seems nasties will grow .. i think because in our sauce bc there's too much sugar?? ... they recommended sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate .. but we want it too be 100% all natural .. any ideas? 

We use:
bell pepper

See attached letter .. thanks!!


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Looks like you have 2 options. Use the additive or put 'refrigerate after opening' on the label.

Hmmm...I know what I would choose...;)

Also...it is a Recommendation...not a Requirement. You have vinegar and lemon, those help with the pH. There are some vinegars that have a higher acidity than standard off the shelf vinegars. You could add something like that to increase pH without thinning out the sauce with additional liquid.

I could be wrong in that interpretation of their notes. You should probably contact the PA for clarification.

Good luck with your adventure! Have Fun!

PS..welcome to THP!