soil My new mix for soil for my peppers + Is this new soil mix a good one for my climate?

Powelly said:
Doesn't matter, just with vermiculite you should water less often
If it rains often then pick perlite

I understand. I would rather water every 1-2 days than wait 5 days to water again. Thats just me. Peppers tonight got a royalty treatment. neptunes tomato and veg but it is very diltuted with water and a tablespoon of epsom salts. foliar spray and watered the container. one of my pots is taking forever to drain but my other 3 pots are not. used the same mix. so i have no idea why it is doing this.
i've learned to listen to my pepper plants, as far as watering.  I bring water to my peppers every day (sometimes twice a day) but i only actually water the plants that are showing signs that they're thirsty (eg, drooping).  The rest, i leave alone until they look like they need h2o.  I totally botched my plants early on by watering according to a "schedule," rather than "as-needed."
I used perlite instead of vermiculite b/c, as i understand it, chiles hate being too wet.
Bicycle808 said:
i've learned to listen to my pepper plants, as far as watering.  I bring water to my peppers every day (sometimes twice a day) but i only actually water the plants that are showing signs that they're thirsty (eg, drooping).  The rest, i leave alone until they look like they need h2o.  I totally botched my plants early on by watering according to a "schedule," rather than "as-needed."
I used perlite instead of vermiculite b/c, as i understand it, chiles hate being too wet.

Drooping could also be a sign of overwatering as well?
Overwatering seems to lead to yellowish leaves, especially lower on the plant, and the leaves stay "inflated" but their stems might droop a bit.  I'm taking more about wilting, or that droop that my plants do just before they start to wilt.  The leaves look kinda "deflated."  I hope that makes sense?