favorite Middle Eastern/ Mediterranean varieties- What's your favorite?

standbyandfire said:
What are you guys growing?
:dance:  :fireball:
I'm growing Aleppo, Yalova Charleston, Star of Turkey & Sulu Adana.

Tried germinating 2 seeds of the Filfil-i-surkh I got from you but they didn't come up (no fault of yours. User error, I'm sure.) What are those like anyway? Can't find much online.
Oh, these too
Biberiye biber
Kil biber
My friend Judy @ Pepperlover.com has a huge collection. Some very cool stuff.
I've only tried the Aleppo, but its my favorite pepper for fermenting. It created the best tasting sauce I have ever had.
Edit: I must have missed one: I have tried Kirmizi aci arnaunt powder from Judy, and that was delicious.
I have not tried the powder though..I bet that is really good. Looks like I am going to be dehydrating some of these this year.

Siyah (C.annuum)
standbyandfire said:
Kirmizi aci arnaunt
Kucuk aci biber
Isot biber
Yalova sehir carliston biber
Kahramanmaras sehir aci biber
Harbiye aci biber
Star of Turkey
Should have some pic's up in a day or two. :)
What are you guys growing?
:dance:  :fireball:
Of these, I'm growing the karaman and the aci kirmizi arnavut :)
Nice list Steve! I'm kinda focused on making Ajvar with Kapija peppers, so I have 55 Kurtovska Kapija seedlings in addition to the hot chiles.
Harbiye I have 5 growing but not one is alike. I like the heat and flavor, but the ones I got are not stable at all.

I hate to admit it but i'm not even sure what of mine may or may not hail from the middle east. 
I'm growing urfa beiber.. that's about the only one I know for sure. 
Malih-Helow. Thin walled pepper, about jalapeno hot. Flavor starts off sweet, then intensifies and becomes a bit tangy and less sweet, with a mellow, comfortable burn. Judy says the name means "salty sweet" but it didn't really taste salty to me. I would describe the flavor as "sweet and tangy". I prefer this one over the Aleppos I am also growing.
I am growing Kirmizi aci arnaunt and Aleppo. I've got Star of Turkey seeds from Judy and Heirloom Aleppo from Ford's for next year. Like AaronTT I have the Kirmizi aci powder from Judy which is awesome on a variety of foods including eggs and fruit.