powder-flake Making pepper powder....

JoynersHotPeppers said:
 I prefer perfect color over speed :)
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN...and another AMEN....
AlabamaJack said:
the main thing you have to consider when making powder is the humidity of the surroundings...the more humid it is, the longer the dehydrator will have to run...it has taken me 48-56 hours of constant dehydration on 115F to get some pods completely dry..
Agree 100%.
AND, if it's humid and you don't grind fairly quickly, the pods re-absorb moisture. I've dried pods to crispy crumble; by the next day, they're back to bendy.
I don't know whether you know this or not about dehydrating and making powder...
you lose at least 90% weight when dehydrating to get the dry enough for good powder, then someone else mention those little "dry packs"...I usually get about an ounce of powder from a pound of pepper
I found them on line for CHEAP...this is not the place, rather an example of what I am talking about..