Mail Goggles

Oh, yeah. I saw that on the news this morning. I was saying to myself "Gee thanks for coming out with this NOW"
I quite often wonder if some people here just have poor grammer/spelling, or if they are wasted, or if they just know some new text-talk that I'm unaware of.:lol:
I may not be married if that was around 10 years ago...
Yeah I heard about that this morning, I'm crap at maths so I would probably never get to e-mail anyone anyway whether I'd had no drinks or five. I'd just be there punching the numbers into a calculator anyway hoping I'd hit the right buttons.
I quite often wonder if some people here just have poor grammer/spelling, or if they are wasted, or if they just know some new text-talk that I'm unaware of.:lol:

It's for drunk people. I'm a notorious drunk-dialer myself(never drunk-e mailed though....yet). For some reason, 3 am and completely shitfaced its in my mind the perfect time to call all my friends cuz i wanna bullshit
Think its about knowing the people if you send them an email and what there reactions are like..For instance If R.B sent me an email calling me all the ba```` under the sun, id no the lady would maybe of had A little to much drink..If i sent one to R.B Saying `65yu['[2``5`6788gghhjkkllllffunnkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyychiliffddfgfhghjkkjkljkjkl
h755686kikl she nos i cant take my drink and would politely tell me to email her back when i have learn t to spell and can take my drink a little better..Who needs Tech when a human being can do the Job :lol:
Hey I noticed that you gave an example where I can still at least spell if I'm drunk Talas which I can (I think I can anyway) :confused: But if you're both drunk and you both forget about the e-mail the next day or it makes sense then it's OK. I can't even be nasty when I'm drunk though.