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organic How to Get rid of the flee beetles? Organically if possible

My tomato plants are attacked by flee beetles. I need to get ride of those suckers fast before they start total infestation. What is the best organic or, inorganic way of getting rid of them fast. I heard sprinkling wheat flour works, any other ideas?
Flea beetles can be controlled with an insecticidal spray (diluted natural soap water), to prevent them you can plant barriers of Mint, Catnip, and Artemisia to keep flea beetles out of your garden.

I just read this somewhere, another method was to sift unbleached flour on the plants or use those sticky traps.
rainbowberry is right when she says put mint near your tomato plants has worked for me so far..advice was from an old family friend who swore by it,fill a large container with a small mint plant (apple or whatever you like) it will fill the container in no time and do its job well..no more nasties :)
rainbowberry said:
Flea beetles can be controlled with an insecticidal spray (diluted natural soap water), to prevent them you can plant barriers of Mint, Catnip, and Artemisia to keep flea beetles out of your garden.

I just read this somewhere, another method was to sift unbleached flour on the plants or use those sticky traps.

Artemisia... I was wondering why that was familiar.

Mmmmmm.... Absinthe...
The best band is:

Sorry, I've got a buzz tonight and I'm no help other then suggesting the power of google to hopefully find a solution, but it appears Rainbowberry has great suggestions.
i have no idea what these even are, but maybe that's because we always grow lots of mint (spearmint, my preferred mint) since it goes into pretty much every persian recipe... don't put it in the ground tho, use pots, unless you really like mint...