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water High pH water and the air stone

Well, our tap water is over 9pH. Just for grins i put the air stones in a gallon of tap water and decided to check pH the next day. It had dropped more than 2 whole points to 7.2pH. Now i keep all my tap water for plants aerated. If nothing else its removing the chlorine and supplying at least a little oxygen to the roots.
The odd part is that its more common for air stones to raise pH in aquariums. So the air being pumped in must be removing something. This is in the basement and CO2 is heavier than oxygen but i find it unlikely im adding enough CO2 to make any noticeable amounts of carbonic acid. At least not enough to effect pH.
I dont think that the stones alone can have much influence on PH 
Water temperature at the moment of the initial and final test, Oxygen level, nutrients ( but from what i understand there wasnt any), Water source (tap,spring etc) and also if either your stones, tubes or pumps was new and not washed first they may have some residue from packaging or manufacturing on them. If your equipement wasnt new then maybe there was some dried nutrients (etc) residues on your stones/buckets so your first PH test wasnt taking these residues into acount but after 24hrs at the moment of your second test the residues ad the time to disolve in the water explaining that fast and big change. Well those are the causes i can think of right now.
Have a nice day!