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lighting Grow Lights/some seeldings up (questions)

Now I feel like I have to leave a RainMan Quote everytime I post!! See what you guys started :twisted:

My seedling have begun coming up but I have a few questions on how to treat them from this stage......
Here are pics of my small setup:
http://member.atlantic.net/~inet7911/Fluorescent Light sys Pepper Plants.jpg
http://member.atlantic.net/~inet7911/Closeup of new seedling peppers.jpg

I took the pics a few days ago, so alot more seedling have come up since then.
The fixture (paid $77. shipped w/bulbs) is 24" and the 2x bulbs are 800 lumens/5200 kelvin/20watt. I also use a small heating pad underneath. Light has been kept on 24/7 for the last 4-6 days. The fixture is kept approximately 2" away from the top of the tallest seedling/s.

Now that the seedlings are up.....
How long can I keep them under the lights? (not as in daily but as they grow height wise)
When can I start to fertilize? (first true leaves= 1/4 strength Miracle Grow?)
When should I transplant to 2-3" pots?

It's still in the mid 50's here in TN and the lows are too low so I have about another 3-5 weeks before I can think about setting them outside.
If there's any info you people can indulge me with that I already don't know, hit me.

Rain Man ---- Very shiny. Very sparkly.
"How long can I keep them under the lights?"
How ever long you want to. If you are going to transplant them outdoors, then slowly harden them off to natural sunlight by putting them in the sun for a few minutes each day slowly working you way up to a whole day. (There's a bunch of websites that go into better detail).

"When can I start to fertilize?"
When they need it. Be careful with fertilizing peppers, they are very nitrogen sensitive.

"When should I transplant to 2-3" pots?"
When the roots start to come out of the bottom. Probably not for another 2-3 weeks.

"If there's any info you people can indulge me with that I already don't know, hit me. "

Shake the trays slightly, twice a day. Just hard enough to wiggle the stems of the plants. This motion will strengthen the stems so that when you put them outside, they will be nice and strong and won't get bent in half by a strong wind.

Another method is just to set up a fan next to them blowing a little wind at them. Hope that help...I've go to get back to watching Judge Wapner...
That's a pretty vague answer there **LOL** Fertilize "when they need it"...... When is When? With fertilizer, is Miracle Grow for tomatoes alright, or should I use something diff.? I've used this and Alaska Fish Emulsion in the past but just want to know if there's something better.

If I do use any fertilizer, what should I cut the ratio down to from full strength at this stage of growing?
The plants that are getting bigger, thier roots are poking out of the sides of the peat pellets.

Rain Man/(Phonebook)---- Sally Dibbs, Dibbs Sally 461-0192
Rain Man/ My dad let's me drive in the driveway.