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cooking first sauce, before i cook give me suggestions

I am about to cook my first hot sauce.
I have;
bag of carrots
20-30 ghost pods, some lemon drops, and twilights
onions, garlic, lemons, frozen fruit, sugar, honey etc etc
It looks like some people just blend, and dont cook, others cook it down. I am thinking about cooking it for 16-24 hours in a crock pot to make it smooth. My idea is this
20 ghost pods, half a lemon (juice and some pulp), half an onion diced, bag of carrots roughly chopped, and about 6 hole garlic bulbs. Pinch of salt, and half a cup of vinegar.
after cooked, blend and bottle. Am i sounding right, can anyone link me to some good recipes maybe?
Initial thoughts---That's a LOT of garlic with 6 whole bulbs for 1/2 an onion and a bag of carrots (not sure what size bag? 1#? 2#? )
How much frozen fruit?
20-30 chile pods
1 pound carrots
2 cups fruit
1 bulb garlic
Pinch salt
1/2 cup vinegar
sugar, honey etc to taste
This recipe will only give you about a quart of sauce, not really enough for crock-potting unless you have one of those mini-pots.  Try simmering it on low in a heavy sauce pan with the lid on, stir often,  then blender the snot out of it. 
Here's some other recipes-
why would you reduce cook it for almost a day? 20 - 25min over 80 celsius degrees is enough, and do that after all new ingredients are put in. Heat it up to around 95 celsius before bottling into sterilized bottles. I usually bake garlic, pepper, tomatoes, onions, garlic, and other root veggies in the oven. Chili goes in the blender right away with vinegar, lime juice and other wets. Then I blend in fresh fruits of choice, take out some, and blend in the baked veggies. Put it in a pot and start stirring and heating and boiling. I only reduce if consistency is too runny. If not I give it max 1hour of boiling time 