Excited to be part of this community

Hello all,
My name is Jason and I have been going through multiple myeloma cancer treatment for the last two years. During that time I really got into pepper growing and have my first real harvest this year. The first year I attempted to grow indoors as I was limited on actually being in a garden due to my compromised immune system. I must say that there was little to no success. This year, however, it is vastly different since I’ve been able to return to gardening outdoors.

I have been a culinary arts instructor for the past 10 years, and I am a certified victory gardener, and hopefully I can get into the master gardener program soon. I live in Southern California, and I must say that I’m very pleased with the growing conditions here when it comes to peppers.

Thank you all for listening to my rambling, and I look forward to being part of this community.