organic Espoma Organic Potting Mix
Put a search in and didn't find any topics on it. Many on Miracle Gro though. I assume this is much better?
This is my second season using this as a seed starter. My local nursery carries only this and not the seed starter mix. I wonder what the difference is.
Last year I had great results. I was wondering if anyone else uses it, or if anyone has any pertinent info on it. My only gripe is that it's full of sticks, which I remove by hand, no big deal.
If you had great results with it last year, stay with it. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
For germinating and for seedlings, I use nothing but Espoma. I use their Tomato Tone and Bone Meal for potting up, too. I hate to sound like an advertisement but their products are top of the line.