fertilizer douglah flowers fertilized before opening?

hi folks , im in bonnie scotland in the uk and last year i ricieved some super hot seeds from another member from another pepper web site i managed to germinate 3 douglah seeds and got about 12 nice pods last year beetween the three phew talk about hot! lol that was on my kitchen window sill ,and at about the middle of october i cut them right back and got them over the winter in good shape ,they are now in 3 gallon pots in my green house and are doing great and looking very healthy they have exploded into growth and are full of blooms wich before they open the stamen is sticking out of the petals and when the petals open there is to me anyway very much like a baby pepper swelling!! on every one ,im confused cos i had to give them a little shake last year to fertilize them ,oh and also the petals are still green ?any thoughts? sorry this is very long winded but im really confused ! lol thanks again guys any suggestions?
Got any pictures to post?
I've grown douglahs the past 3 years (overwinters plus new each year), and I am scratching my head at your note. Here's a link to my grow thread, to a post from the first year I grew douglahs. In the 2nd pic down, the plant in the small terra cotta pot on the right side of the steps (first step from the ground) is the douglah on July 23, 2011: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/20241-2014-insanity-the-girls/?p=480535
Now here's a link to the post (top pic in the post) on July 31, 2011 - just 8 days later - where you can see the same plant moved to a large, 14-gallon green container (on the ground): http://thehotpepper.com/topic/20241-2014-insanity-the-girls/?p=483721
Last year was that plant's 3rd year, and it was almost as tall as me, yet you said you had 3 douglah plants on your window sill???? And you only got 12 pods between the three of them? Holy cow. That one plant of mine alone produced well over 100 pods in one season. Are you sure your plants are douglahs? Slap those babies into larger containers and see what they can really do for you! If they're actually douglahs, 3 gallons is not big enough.
Regarding the flowers, seems unlikely, but it could happen if some small bug got inside the flower somehow.
thanks for the reply geeme but i got my seeds from another reputable member on another forum and he has given me seeds before and they bin perfect (ghost ,trinidad scorpions, etc)when ripe they are brown choclate color dark plum if you like i will get pics tomorrow but these were only in a wee pot about one gallon each and i got loads of flowers but most of them dropped lol you can tell im a noob at this lol and they grew on the windowsill to about 2 and a half feet ,its a huge kitchen windowsill by the way ,south facing and i managed to overwinter it there so now its in the wee greenhouse ive got and doing great in a 3 gallon pot each with loads of blooms but as i said the flowers are not anywhere near opening yet but still tightly closed and green with the wee stamen sticking out  but one or two have burst open and have a small perfectly formed pepper!!so to me they havnt opend to be pollonated yet ?any way as i say i will get pics uploaded tomorrow for you and you ncan tell me whats going on i hope lol thanks again 
I'll look for the pics tomorrow. Douglahs tend to be root hogs. Every year I pull the plants I'm going to overwinter out of their pots, remove as much soil as possible, then trim the branches and roots before repotting. The douglahs always have the most extensive root systems. Likely in a 1-gallon pot they were root bound, which may have accounted for the flower drop. 
Part of why flowers are closed until they open is that the flower and pollen are still developing, which is why it seems unlikely that they were pollinated. However, just as we humans can sometimes come out with, oh, six fingers on a hand instead of five, it seems possible that they were, indeed, pollinated. Hard to say, given that peppers have "perfect" flowers - having both male and female parts in a single flower - it's not entirely impossible, even though unlikely. 
[SIZE=9.5pt]Hi gaffers1[/SIZE]
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[SIZE=9.5pt]This sounds possibly like what one of my datil peppers did over the winter.  It grew to a fairly big size in a cool kitchen window (no extra lighting) and it began sticking out it's pistils and then pushing out little pods through unopened flower buds.  They ripened, had no seeds and were very sweet and good tasting.  The datil got a major trimming when I moved it outside this spring - it also had some leaf spot, but I removed extra growth to see if it would help with the flower problem.  It's now covered in normal flowers and I hope the new pods will taste as good!  My guess is that it's caused by lower light and/or other winter conditions throwing off an otherwise well-growing plant's flowering process. [/SIZE]
Here's the odd pods:

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[SIZE=9.5pt]Good luck with your douglahs and I think they will become more normal over the summer,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9.5pt] [/SIZE]
Interesting, and thanks for the pic, Tick. I am planning on rearranging my living room soon so that I can put my overwinters in the big picture window. I'll be curious to see if the same thing happens with them.