cloning Cloning cuttings...Cloning with water...

McGuiver said:

This is what I meant.
mx5inpa said:
This is what I meant.
I went a little crazy with a sharp scalpel. I just thinned it out to much. I should have cut off and started over. I don't think it is rotted. I just trimmed off the outside layer 360 deg right there. That is why it is thin. I wanted it raw the help form roots.

Do you think it has rotted?
It looks like the very end has some slime forming. If it is then it probably pythium, which is bad.
You dont have to do all that for square stemmed plants. I dunno about rooting cactus in water. I just let the wound dry out for a while then plant it in dirt.
If you get some neatly trimmed nodes below that neoprene insert you should the fastest root growth. Those are like plant stem cell areas.
Either way roots will also just grow right out of the stem. Everything I can remember you having in your cloner requires nothing more than clean, aerated water and a mostly bare stem ie trimmed of leaves and branches, not down to the core lol
and the b vitamins are just homemade 'superthrive' which pretty much everyone agrees doesnt work. If you are having trouble with something rooting the best thing is a really, really light dose of a high P fert.
That cloner you built is really nice but, from experience, with plain water, the right temps and proper clones you should have things with really nice roots after 10 days and should see some things rooting in 3 days sometimes. Making clones is a really simple process and you made pretty much the perfect machine to do it. Just seems like youre making the plant part of it too complicated.
mx5inpa said:
It looks like the very end has some slime forming. If it is then it probably pythium, which is bad.
You dont have to do all that for square stemmed plants. I dunno about rooting cactus in water. I just let the wound dry out for a while then plant it in dirt.
If you get some neatly trimmed nodes below that neoprene insert you should the fastest root growth. Those are like plant stem cell areas.
Either way roots will also just grow right out of the stem. Everything I can remember you having in your cloner requires nothing more than clean, aerated water and a mostly bare stem ie trimmed of leaves and branches, not down to the core lol
and the b vitamins are just homemade 'superthrive' which pretty much everyone agrees doesnt work. If you are having trouble with something rooting the best thing is a really, really light dose of a high P fert.
That cloner you built is really nice but, from experience, with plain water, the right temps and proper clones you should have things with really nice roots after 10 days and should see some things rooting in 3 days sometimes. Making clones is a really simple process and you made pretty much the perfect machine to do it. Just seems like youre making the plant part of it too complicated.
You hit the nail on the head. I am a perfectionist from being a machinist. I will try what you said. Basil, and Mint always get sappy, or slime where I cut them. I always thought they were loosing their essential oils. They always turn out fine. I will try some with no cuts in the cloner. I will be cloning a rose bush and pepper plant next. I do think that the pump is heating up the water. I will need to put on a timer an cycle it. I don't think it needs to be on 24x7. I will run the air pump 24x7 for aeration.

What do you thing a good cycle time is? Me without my calipers is like a dog without his bone.


Well today at lunch I went to Lowes to pick up some parts for my new Ebb and Flood system. I have it all designed in my head. I have always been good in the mechanical aspect from being a machinist. I can see how it works before I build it.

I picked up a used air pump for $25 at local hydro shop. It was a consignment. I could not pass it up. It was a good deal.

So my Ebb and Flood system will not have a submersible pump. Only an air pump. The air will lift the liquid.

I was not going to build one so fast, but came across this air pump, and then the race was on.


I know about root rot in avocado trees, but have never head of pythium. Thanks for the info. I learned something new today.
If you concentrate on keeping the water between 68-72 and not tearing up your clones with a scalpel you should be ok. Especially since you say theyre turning out ok anyway. I can tell you that smaller clones usually root faster. You could remove the net cups too. Those inserts should hold small plants up.
I know the water is cooler than 80 deg F. I will put a thermometer in it tomarrow to get the exact temp. My garage is about 65 deg inside.
Well, time to report back. Almost 8 days out from the start of this. All clones seem to be doing well.

Sweet Basil cutting...


Mint cutting...


Tomato cutting doing well. One root finally popping out...


Cloning system looking good. All cuttings looking healthy. Tomato plant has flower starting to bud. Far Sweet Basil plant has white flowers budding. Leaf color looking good.


Sweet Basil rooted in just plain water...


Roots are much larger.

Color is also not that great. Green is draining from the plant. I would say the cloning system one's are much healthier.


These Basil cuttings were cut at the same time. Both put in water at the same time. You can see the difference.

One in vase only has RO water.

Cloner system has RO water, Cal-Mag Plus, Vitamin B Complex.

What do you guys think? Which one looks better?
Well the roots are looking good for the Sweet Basil that started in the cloner.


The control plant that was only in RO water was looking sickly and pale. It had long roots but color was drained. It had served its purpose. Time to put it on life support.

I took a 2" net pot and cut off the bottom. Now the sickling control plant can have some food. I removed my Lucky Bamboo from the cloner and put in the sick control plant.


By this picture you can see the color difference side by side.

Left is the cloner Basil, right is the control plant. Notice how the right plant has yellow leaves.


Hopefully I'm not too late. I would like to get a healthy plant from this control plant.
Whenever I have planted suckers from my tomato plants or rooted basil in water, I always removed most of not all the leaves. It's my understanding that you want the plant to direct it's energy toward root production instead of top growth and maintaining leaves. Perhaps you should do another experiment with cuttings that have fewer leaves.
I will. This is just my first go around. I'm still learning. Thanks for the info.
filmost said:
Whenever I have planted suckers from my tomato plants or rooted basil in water, I always removed most of not all the leaves. It's my understanding that you want the plant to direct it's energy toward root production instead of top growth and maintaining leaves. Perhaps you should do another experiment with cuttings that have fewer leaves.
I will. This is just my first go around. I'm still learning. Thanks for the info. I want to eventually get to cloning roses. They are very hard to clone.
I was thinking of what to do with my extra plants I'm cloning. I also have extra pepper and tomato seedlings. My son's scout troop is having a fundraiser auction to help raise some money. They are taking all types of donations. People in the community donate services and goods. Last year I donated 2 tree trimming services. I did cut one tree completely down last year. This year I will donate some of my extra duplicate plants. I think the scouts raised about 2k dollars last year. Hope people like some nice plants...and super hot pepper plants.
I'm pulling out my mint plant and calling in my (DH) designated hitter. The true test of this cloner will be growing a pepper plant.

This is a cutting from my mystery pepper plant.




I hope this DH will hit a home run. The test mint plant did well, has good roots. The mint plant will be donated to my son's Boy Scout fundraiser auction.
I removed 2 more Sweet Basil from the cloner. To replace them, I added 2 more peppers.


Blue foam is Thai "Black Dragon" pepper. Orange foam is mystery pepper plant. Red foam is Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper plant.

Will see how long pepper plants actually take. I added some more Aqua Shield to the brew, and a gallon of water. Looks like about a gallon of water was used this week thru evaporation, and plant growth.
Have been out of town traveling the last few days. Came home to find the cloner doing its job. The tomato cutting has some good roots.


Original pic of the tomato cutting after 1 week.


I'm going on 3 weeks on this water. Just added RO water, Cal-Mag, and AquaShield.

Seems to be good. AVG water temp is about 68 to 70 deg F.

Now just waiting on the 3 pepper plant cuttings.

The original Sweet Basil cutting that was the control plant is doing great in the cloner.


Here is the plant going into the cloner over a week ago.


It was on deaths front door. It was only rooted in RO water and nothing else. I put it in the cloner as in hopes of life support. Looks like it can be moved from the cloner to soil here very quickly.
I know what you mean. I want to put a item in my cloner then in 24 hours pull it out and it should have roots. (Dreaming)

I check my items in the cloner every 24 hours, morning, and night. I did notice tonight that the pepper clones are getting root nodes or bumps. I think in the next 24 hours they will be able to be photographed. I don't think the small bumps show up that well. It has been 8 days in the cloner.

On another note, I went to Lowes yesterday to buy some more Saltpeter. I also checked on some digital thermometers.
I found this one with temp, and humidity for around 8 dollars.


This is my current temp and humidity in my garage as of tonight.
This week has been very slow for me. I have been down and out sick with a massive ear infection. It is going on 5 weeks now and now on my 3rd round of antibiotics. (I'm allergic to most major general antibiotics). Luckily it is only one ear. I have lost complete hearing in my right ear, hopefully temporary. I have tried to do some gardening this week, but my body is just zapped of energy.

I was so tired I left some of my seeds soak to long in saltpeter. I soaked them for almost 36 hours instead of 24. I have been sleeping a lot.

Looks like this 3rd antibiotic is kicking the ear infection, seems to be clearing, and I have a little more energy. I managed to get out to my garage to check my cloner. Looks like I had a few aphids feeding on my plants. I killed them with Potassium fatty acid salts. Very gentle on plants and people, not so much on insects. I did loose one of my Thai Black Dragon clones. It was small and whimpy. I will start another later.

I pulled out my original cherry tomato clone, and put it in soil. It was doing great.



I also pulled out my rescue plant of Sweet Basil. This was my control plant that was in need of life support after sprouting in only water.
It also went into soil to continue growing.


Here is my mystery pepper plant clone, has 3 or 4 roots now. It is doing great. It will stay in the clone until it has many more roots. I also started a second one of these clones too...


My TMS clone has bumps one the stem like it wants roots, but none yet. I may change the water this weekend. I think I'm going on 4 weeks now. I have added water and nutes, and Aqua Shield. This is still my first try at cloning, and dang it is fun.
motocross308 said:
Dewey misters work real nice inplace of electric pumps for cloning
I just checked out their site. Very cool. I don't think they have marketed these very well. I have never heard of these till now, and there are no stores here in Southern California that carry them. I like the idea of not running a submersible pump. Very clean design. They need to do some advertising.

Thanks for the info on these.