spirits Chilli Vodka

Novacastrian said:
Yes youtube for sure Jon!

Oh for god sake Nova, don't reveal his real name......at least you didn't use his last name..

It's ok, i'm here for you passow.......

Hi guys,
I also made some with Absolute a while back, it's now orange and the chillies are almost white, they started off green and red in equal proportions, absolutely amazing taste and bite, excellent as vodka and OJ.
Moyboy and I had a shot of mine the other day. Its bloody hot but drinkable...... just!

He commented to me yesterday it was hot on the way out as well :)

save me a bit of yours nova. Id love to try it.

I really need to get the water purifier working so i can make a few different heated concoctions.

Bhut and chipottle shine.....mmmmmmm

would Grey goose work well for this also? and what do you think orange flavored vodka with orange habs in it would that work well?
The colour has started to leach out of the chillis and the liquid is a real yellow colour from all the chilli oil.....

I tried it a few weeks back and it is insane hot now, with an awesome fruity flavour...

I get Tony05 to take a pic of it now and post it up...
I most definetly AM going to do this!!!!! I have a bottle of ~190 proof moonshine to do this with. I'll have some devils tounges and Dorsets this fall!
Oh yeah mate those Dorsets go real well with moonshine!

Edit: I forgot to say, for each ripe pepper you put in (i wouldn't use any more than two) throw in an unripe one. It is said to smooth out the final product.
would orange habs (closest thing to a decent pepper i have at my disposal) work for doing this? and a bottle of blue lable smirnoff be a good match? or should i use something less expensive?
wow i found the absolute most perfect bottle to make chili vodka in. although the vodka that is in the bottle should be consumed then replaced with a lessser quality vodka. but yea this would be the most epic bottle of chili vodka ever.

imagine that with some 7pots or bhuts floating in it?

oh and again this is a Canadian vodka also sweet isent it? the only thing is its expensive.
expensive 55 cad or so. wish i could just get the bottle though. cuz the bottle would be great for chili hooch wouldent it.