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video Chilli Sauce Tests "Dorset Naga Chilli Jelly"

Dorset Naga Chilli Jelly was sent to me ages ago by I forget and Lost the sheet that told me whom Bummer, doesn't matter. What does though is that it's 1 of the Nicest things ive had the privilege to test. its from www.chillisgalore.co.uk they have a decent range of Jams and sauces of varying heats and will be getting somemore asap

here's the dorset 1


Dorset naga's 3.4%

Its Unbelievable and Nice and sweeet as a Jam should But could actually taste the Naga so Excellent, if you have a Fair bit it gives a Great Whack and My Throat was Going Off and Caning, was Great and then moved to the Front and did the burn when breath.. putting it on Cheese and Crackers was The Best Though and Highly recommend that as the Flavors blend and Its Awsome just about Out already as Kept going with the cheese and Jatz..

Tim my son's mate and Other Son ya could say as always here joined in as Loves his chilli's so was heaps fun as Like it when people join in and have a Go he Kept going on It as well as Loved It tooooo.. this is 1 To get as Never tried a Jam before like This.. UNREAL

Im Off to Order some of this before Everybody Buys them Out :)

hope Ya enjoy (i so did in Making)

Be Excellent
Nice one Neil! Never thought I'd see you testing this. Kathy and Richard live only about 35Ks up the road from me, and Kathy's a really nice lady. They do a few different jellies, but this one is king. I've gotta admit mate, when I saw you heapin up that spoon I cringed! You really don't need much of it for a good burn so I reckon a bloody great spoonful must be nuclear. And yeah - it's great with cheese. It's also really good with snags and burgers - hell it's good with everything. Like you say it's sweet but there's so much naga taste too! I want some now. Good on ya mate!
Im not usually into sweet stuff but i will try this when i see you next weekend mate, thats if there is any left :)