wanted BOLO Burpee Biker Billy Jalapeno F1


This is one of the few commercial hybrids I grow. It's my ideal jalapeño, and I've grown it for at least 15 years. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find seeds for the last 3-4 years in my area, and my stash is depleted. Burpee doesn't list them on their website either. My fear is BB is no longer, and I'll have to move on.

Anyway if, while you're out and about and pass a seed-rack, you could take a quick look for some Burpee BB, I'd appreciate it. If you happen to find any, please pick up 4 or 5 pks.

I will certainly pay for your expenses and shipping to me.

Thanks -- DR
I found a few places with seed.

I found a partial pack I ordered from Burpee in 2015, only about 8 seeds left, probably not worth your time, but if you want them, send me a DM.

Thanks for the offer Al. I've still got a month or so to look around, but I might need to take you up on that offer, lol.

I found a few places with seed.

Yeah, other places sell "Biker Billy" seeds, but I think Burpee might have been the original? Dunno.

Funny, I see @TrentL is selling BB seeds. Last thing I heard, he had ventured into medical marijuana, but was having a hard time keeping the THC low enough. There was talk of burning his fields and such.😲 Then he became ill, and I've kinda lost track of him. I hope he's doing well.
@midwestchilehead - seeds rolled in the other day. I had no idea they moved KS. It took six days for them to get here. Use to only take three. I guess that means you're twice as far away now.:D

Thanks again John. I appreciate it.
You are welcome. Sorry, but I thought I had more Burpee packs of the Biker Billy. And yes, the post office really sucks these days! I had your outgoing envelope in my mailbox for pick up for two days. The mailman didn't show up the first day, and just shoveled incoming mail on top of it the second day. I had to pull it out and drive it to the post office.