cutlery Best knife sharpener?


Staff Member
I am currently using a two stage ceramic sharpener system and the results are pretty good but i'm wondering what everyone else is using? The existing threads on the subject are pretty old and I'm sure there's a lot of new products out there. I'm a fanatic about keeping my 3 main knives sharp (I also have a drawer full of dull knives that I never use). The 3 knives I use for pretty much every task are my chefs knife, santoku and paring knife. All zwilling henckels brand. Does anyone have any suggestions on a better system? I would like something with adjustable angles. Thanks in advance.
Best Ive come across;
Can you adjust the angle on it? All three of my knives have a different angle on the cutting edge.
Or you could buy the two steel washers dragonsfire bought and fall the reviews. :lol:
A strop would be nice. I run the blade over heavy duty canvas after sharpening though. Denim works too. Obviously not as effective as a strop but it does make a difference.
I remember asking you once over PM and you schooled me lol!
Nah! TB afraid of the electric one but I heard it's awesome.
The two fender washers wtf???
The Hot Pepper said:
I remember asking you once over PM and you schooled me lol!
Over the years you sir have proven to be a wealth of knowledge.
I've never schooled you in anything.
You've forgotten more stuff than most people ever learned to begin with.
I don't recall the specific pm but you would have figured 'thangs out without my input from me all on your own.
The best always do.
BS!!!!!! TB got the knowledge..... I mostly got BS, like, 14% knowledge.
Nice! What is that knife for? I mean, every chef has a reason for buying a knife... fajitas, or a certain food, or whatever...
texas blues said:
Muchas gracias.
But you're too kind.
I'm really not a smart man.
My I.Q. is only 6.
I just use all 6.
Back on topic....
Here's what I have coming to me on tuesday...
Won't be using a cheapness sharpener on this one.
That's a nice one. I like Damascus steel knives. I keep adding this one to my Christmas list every year but santa keeps forgetting. I wonder why?^225852450180-device^c-plaid^326386431726-sku^9707381-adType^PLA&gclid=CjwKCAiAvf3RBRBBEiwAH5XYqIfEXaWZZYzfv4BhBygWewdbvWSXCUwlzlt_0CPgNjCc4MCIDtozUxoCkY8QAvD_BwE&cm_ite=[[PLA]%20-%20Manu%20Desk/Tab%20-%20(Bad%20RPC)]