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outdoors Aquarium Fish Hobby

I thought their was a thread allready, did several searches and nothing came up, so making one :)
New tank doing well and all nicely integrated. I like a natural tank, found my fish last three times longer then others I know.
Used to have 55 and 20gal tanks, my 55 frame broke, was a bit of a scare, glass bulging but did not break, so im down to my 20 gall and keeping it that way, ne place cant handle a bigger one, well one or the other but not both.
Corydora are my faves, very affectionate with each other and do a dance with each other at times. Rosy Barbs Fancy are another ones that are great in the tank but their no longer available so the last died out several years ago.



very nice looking tank. i like the live plants. i had tanks years ago and moved up from 10 and 20 gal. tanks to a 70 gal.. all we have now is a betta in a bowl. those corydora`s are great for helping to keep the tank clean so i used to keep them also. 
I have a 28gal planted tank with two spawning koi angel fish, coral red pencil fish, galaxy rasbora, pygmy corys, dario dario and lambchop rasbora. Oh and some amano shrimp, then I got a tank for cystal shrimp and a 5 gal in kitchen with my dwarf clawed frog
220 gallon with misc. African cichlids and a huge common pleco (poop machine). (no pics because tank is a mess at the moment :P )
Years ago before the Africans the 220 had Oscars and a monster pacu.
Had a planted 55 gallon with guppies, platys , corys, & dwarf gouramis.
I used to keep Victorians years ago.  No good place for a big tank in this house.   :tear:  I had over 600 gallons of Vics at one point.  Breeding them, shipping them..  Good times.

75G mix.  It had Astatotilapia latifasciata, Pundamilia sp. "Red Flank," and Pundamilia macrocephala.  Three species, no mixing, pretty cool.  This tank used to be a lot prettier, couldn't find pictures of it then.

Here's the dom Red Flank and a female.

Haplochromis sp. "Blue obliquidens" tank - 33L

Here's the Blue obliquidens dom.

Pundamilia macrocephala dom

And a crappy pic of that same P.mac dom displaying.  Love those long pelvics!
:D Found some more:

You can really see the big head in this one.  A little rough around the edges from feuding with the next male over.

This is a grow out tank in the fish room.  Pretty sure this was Xystichromis phytophagus.  Man, I miss doing this..
Great thread!

Good timing too I very recently got back into the hobby myself. I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank I started 48 hours ago on its first cycle (fishless). I plan to make it a peaceful community tank but I don't have my planned stocking list set in stone. Neon tetras have always been a favorite and I had a nice school of them years ago when I was a kid. It's not a planted tank but I have the light to support plants, I'm thinking of doing some rootless ones to help out the water and appearance.

Edit: No clue why the pic is sideways lol


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dragonsfire said:
Those are plastic plants ?
Looks like clown puke, too.  Those tanks can be really cool if done right.  I've seen some pretty psychedelic ones.
cdubb2010 said:
Clown puke huh? To each their own but I'm wondering what one done right looks like?
Only just found this today. Sorry, I didn't mean to seem disparaging. We used to call the colored gravel "clown puke." An image search for "glofish tank" will turn up some good ones and some bad ones.