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annuum yellow poblano?

I grew them in 2010 - it was the only one I had some success with.  I had to find it a shady place and it eventually podded pretty nicely the 2nd year.


I just wish I could grow ANY Pubescens that had an acclimation for my climate - I love these peppers and want to get a good harvest.
Any way to nab the pic and post it here? I don't have an FB account so a link won't work for me. I also grow yellow rocotos, but don't consider them to be poblano-shaped. But there again, I've had a few pods come out oddly-shaped this year - 3 of them, on the same plant that had regular-shaped pods similar to Bob_B's, came out more elongated with an almost-pointy tip. I'm not familiar with a yellow poblano, but can see where it might be an irregularity like the 3 canario pods I got.
I'm now in 5b/6a. I used to live in Houston, which has weather more similar to your own than where I am now. I'm inclined to think it would be difficult to grow rocotos in your area, unless you use shade cloth or have some other means to cool them off a bit. I do know of someone in Florida growing them successfully, but I don't remember who it is. Mine flower profusely in the heat of the summer, but drop almost all of them. When the fall hits, though, pods start setting. Unfortunately, we have a short grow season here, so I usually end up bringing them inside the house before any pods ripen. In fact, one of the plants has pods ripening right now, never mind we have snow on the ground outside.
We are comparing apples and oranges here....literally!!! These two peppers aren't even the same species.

OP,I have yet to see one. There are roasters that are yellow and may take on a similar shape though. If there is a yellow poblano,I want to grow it. One of my favorites peppers.
The image I posted is a pod from 2nd year Rocoto Yellow I purchased from CCN. I too haven't seen a Yellow Manzano (but it would be cool).

Edit: sorry for the waste of bandwidth - I was confusing Poblano with Manzano. Must have been the Pinot Noir.