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video WORLD'S HOTTEST WOMAN ........Latest video

Watch Anindita Biswas in Jorhat Assam eating Local 49 Bhut Jolokias and rubbing 24 Bhuts in her eyes.
Watch this from 4.25 minutes onwards.

Where did she go when her cheeks were inflated like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter? When she returned her mouth was empty. Any way you slice it that gal has got some biguns or bird genes!!! :)
it made me feel a bit off watching her chomp into those chilli... i think it was all the dribbling she was doing.. I'm with MrARboc.. i think she has some kind of special tolerance..
Eephus Man said:
Why would they do that?

Unless it was embarrassment for Gordon Ramsey and his shameless inability to keep from self-promoting and being the center of attention.

Was it a set up to begin with, or did he really pull an 'ugly tourist' and take over their event? :shakes head:

The first part of the piece was cool, though. Shredded bamboo!
MrArboc said:
LOL. She should be exempt from the record IMO, considering that due to the way her unusual genes are set up eating a Bhut is not much different than eating an apple or any other common fruit... it's like giving some blind person an award for seeing the least amount of colors... or a deaf person being able to handle the loudest noises without a flinch... it's not quite a disability (maybe a genetic defect?), but it certainly gives her an unfair advantage that almost every other human and other mammals do not have.

In other words... she won the record because she doesn't have much competition (other people with the same genes). Big deal. Am I the only one unimpressed?
UltraZelda64 said:
In other words... she won the record because she doesn't have much competition (other people with the same genes). Big deal. Am I the only one unimpressed?

I would have been more impressed if she ate 51 hot dogs and rubbed 20 of them in her eyes. (On the outside of her eyelids judging from the video)