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recipe-help Who has made a blueberry based hot sauce?


Extreme Member
This year I have lots of blueberry's in the freezer. I also have a assortment of peppers available to create with.
I have several batches of ferment sauces 'working' right now. Non of them are blueberry based.
I would love to hear some ideas about a blueberry recipe that works. It doesn't have to be a fermented sauce.
Nothing super sweet but ya still know there are blueberry's in it.
Your sauce sounds and looks amazing. How sweet is it with the 350g sugar? I imagine the vinegar might tend to balance it out.
I have been neglecting my blueberry sauces but now am restocked with this year's blueberry and raspberry crop.
It's time for another attempt. Thanks for your suggestions!
This is the part I would probably change a bit next time.

I wanted a sweet and fruity sauce but it would probably be a bit better with a bit more added vinegar.

Basically it anyway depends on how ripe or sweet the fruits are you're using.

So experiment a bit with that part.

And in case someone makes something commercial on that base please send me a sample 😉
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