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cooking Whiskey and cooked veggies ferment?

Two quick questions:
1. Can I ferment sautéed veggies (onions, garlic, carrots) with peppers?

2. Can I add an alcohol (like whiskey) into a ferment for flavor? Would the result still be alcoholic?
Putting anything with oil in a ferment is not a good idea.  Assuming the veggies would be sauteed in some kind of oil...
I'd add the sauteed items after the ferment when you are ready to bottle/process.
Some use wine in their ferments...not sure if the flavor carries over.  Hopefully others will chime in. 
Yeah, SL is spot on about Oil and ferments. Alternatively you might try sautéing them in something else, maybe some V8 juice.

With regards to the whiskey, I'd say try it and see. If your really concerned about the alcohol you could let it sit out or warm it a bit to allow it to evaporate out.
salsalady said:
Putting anything with oil in a ferment is not a good idea.  Assuming the veggies would be sauteed in some kind of oil...
How can people leave a bottle of commercial cooking oil on their shelf without worry of botulism?
Is there some kind of preservative in these?
And, doesn't competitive exclusion by lacto bacteria, and salty environments stop botuslism from happening, even in fermented foods with oil in it? 
total noobsauce said:
How can people leave a bottle of commercial cooking oil on their shelf without worry of botulism?
Is there some kind of preservative in these?
And, doesn't competitive exclusion by lacto bacteria, and salty environments stop botuslism from happening, even in fermented foods with oil in it? 
Oil by itself is anaerobic (which C. botulinum likes) but without anything in it so it will go rancid but won't grow botulism.  Infused oils can be quite dangerous though.
Regarding exclusion; you're absolutely right - the lacto and salt keep the nasties at bay - so the trace oil in your sauteed veggies is unlikely to host C. botulinum provided you've been clean and thorough with the rest of your process.  This link might help.
My own personal preference is not to use oil of any kind in any of my sauces.  I do not saute ingredients in oil prior to cooking or fermenting sauce as it changes their character and flavor.  Oil also invariably separates in the bottle and looks weird.  Just my take.   :)