heat Where To Find Worlds Hottest Peppers List?

Hello all.
I am wondering where to find the most accurate (and I think recent) list of the world record holders for heat of peppers.
What I would really like to see is a detailed list of all of the record holders ever, from the beginning of whenever they started testing and keeping record of them.
If this is at all possible.
Would it be Guinness book or some other organization? They must be listed in detail somewhere.
Thank you.
I don't think any such list exists.  Instead, there are a bunch of mostly outdated, oftentimes conflicting, and inaccurate lists floating around.  Partly because there's no standardized method of testing - some use an average, others show the single hottest pod tested, etc., and to the best of my knowledge, nobody has sent a whole bunch of peppers grown under comparable conditions to be tested using the same method, and if they have, they haven't published the results.  Juts look at how many varieties seem to have never been tested, add in all the newest hybrids, still unstable results of hobby growers' cross-pollinating efforts, regional variations in what particular varieties are called, the huge effect growing conditions can have on heat......you're chasing a ghost.
+ 1 EB. I can think of one new hybrid imparticular that could very well be the new worlds hottest! I'm not sure if its being tested at the moment. The seeds are unreleased, and very few people know about it, we will call it mystery, slthough I do know the name!

Here's my short list of hottest possibilities

#1. Mystery
#2. Moruga Brown/Chocolate
#3. Gourmet Fatalii Jigsaw
#4. Carolina Reaper
#5. Moruga Scorpion
I thought its (tested not just claimed):

1. butch T
2. brain strain
3. scorpions (all sub varieties)
4. bhut jolokia? maybe

I thought most super hots are about butch T/brain strain range (again tested ones).
I thought the Trinidad scorpion was a documented "worlds hottest" of the moment.
If so, that "documentation" must be published somewhere.
PepperDaddler said:
I thought the Trinidad scorpion was a documented "worlds hottest" of the moment.
If so, that "documentation" must be published somewhere.

Ahhh. I was thinking you wanted a revised off the books hottest list. My bad!

Worlds hottest is the Scorpion Moruga, then the ButchT is second in the Guiness
Everbody knows that there are hotter pods as of late.
Scott Roberts has a nice SHU list. Check it out
Once we start comparing peppers of this heat I don't think there's anyany way to tell with out testing. Its like comparing apples to apples.
No such list would be accurate. Peppers vary in heat plant to plant, pod to pod, climate to climate, strain to strain, all are effected by many variables. Just because my bhut tests at 1.5 million SHU does not mean yours or any other of mine will also test at 1.5 million SHU. Use SHU as a reference point taken with a grain of salt. Marketers love saying that their peppers are the world's hottest based solely upon one reported instance. It is a load of BS for the most part. No pepper can be reported as having a specific SHU unless it (the actual pepper pod) was actually tested. When a variance (range) is reported we do not know how many peppers from what exact conditions were included in the actual sample. Again, the range will be a range of those peppers actually tested. I make it a point to not use 'SHU' when discussing pods with friends based upon these facts.
As others have stated, there is far too much variation within a given strain to expect that a given pod off a plant will be "the hottest" without the benefit of actual scientific testing.  And to be truly scientific the sample size should be large and represent a wide range of growing conditions.
It's been my experience that once you start delving into the 1 million+ Scoville Unit varieties that quibbles over a few thousand points in rating are superfluous.  If you douse yourself with 5 gallons of gas or 5.1 gallons and then light a match will it really make a difference in the amount of burning?
From what I have seen, midwest's list has the official records for the top 3 and then under that was the BHut Jolokia. The others in the group above the bhut, I don't think ever had records. I may be wrong on this, but I think the record pepper before the bhut was the Red Savenia habanero. I don't remember anything between those.
Now for these others that are not official record holders, yet. By taste tests I would add, from hottest to least hot in this group
7 pod Primo
Carolina Reaper
7 Pod Brain Strain
7 Pod Douglah
Moruga Scorpion

Some of the brains beat some of the reapers, but consistantly, I'd make this list. All it takes for someone like the hot pepper institute, or anyone else wanting to take the time to grow these things for the only purpose of making record breaking peppers can make any of these listed, the next record holder, but if the person worked with all of these in the exact same way, this is how I would rank them. As mentioned, there are a few new secret peppers that may go beyond any of these, or at least get in the middle of my list somewhere. The list will always change. there are so many more people doing this that new hottest peppers are probably going to be put out each and every year
Officially the butch t is still top of the pile in Guinness world records eyes .... . but you might have grown the hottest chilli and not even realised it. Its like official weather extremes .... They can only exist where there is an official weather station ... Everyone's knows they are only an indication of the area. If you get my drift??
megahot said:
Ahhh. I was thinking you wanted a revised off the books hottest list. My bad!

Worlds hottest is the Scorpion Moruga, then the ButchT is second in the Guiness
Everbody knows that there are hotter pods as of late.
Scott Roberts has a nice SHU list. Check it out
Scott Roberts huge scoville list is here... Peppers are mixed in with sauces...  http://www.scottrobertsweb.com/scoville-scale.php
Interesting article about the Mouruga (and couple others) on his site is here... http://www.scottrobertsweb.com/The-Facts-Behind-the-Moruga-Scorpion-and-the-Chile-Pepper-Institute-Super-Hot-Study-A-Talk-With-Jim-Duffy

Trippa said:
Officially the butch t is still top of the pile in Guinness world records eyes .... . but you might have grown the hottest chilli and not even realised it. Its like official weather extremes .... They can only exist where there is an official weather station ... Everyone's knows they are only an indication of the area. If you get my drift??
+ 10 on this ^
And I dont think the Brain strain has been Officially tested yet either...or has it?
According to the chart the biggest swing in heat values are the moruga from 580k -2 mill
The tightest is the red 7 pot 727k 1.2 mill. If you want consistancy red 7 but which one there are at least 3 or 4 ? Diff strains,,