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news What's the latest news on "Pepper X" ?

I thought this might be a good place to ask. Has anyone heard any news on what's going on with Pepper X ?
Is it still set to be the next No. 1 hottest pepper ?
Has Smokin' Ed posted any updates on it?

He seems to be well on his way to becoming a two time guinness world record holder so just wondering if anyone's heard or read anything about it's progress, since it's been in the works for years now.
No and personally I don't give a fuck about the hype surronding that pepper X, Y or Z thing, nor the potential Guinness WR of 100 millions SHU!! There are already way too many ass kicking peppers around to make me suffer if I ever feel the need ;)
It was a scam to promote their own sauces.

No and personally I don't give a fuck about the hype surronding that pepper X, Y or Z thing, nor the potential Guinness WR of 100 millions SHU!! There are already way too many ass kicking peppers around to make me suffer if I ever feel the need ;)
Yup, there are brutally hot chili peppers out there :)

White hot peppers have some nice chilis to start off if you can order and also semillas la palma has its own super hot varieties.
It's not really smart for him to release the seeds. As soon as he does the market will flood with pepper x sauces and the like. Right now all the hype and consumer wants goes straight through him.
I don’t think you’ll see another record from Dishonest Ed. After he manipulated his way through the previous record process, Guinness changed their rules to prevent it happening again. New records are required to be based on the average heat of a crop, not on a single plant. I believe they also test variety stability, now.

This should prevent a situation where the record holder is known by anyone interested to be both not the hottest and not even a stable variety of pepper.
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I don’t think you’ll see another record from Dishonest Ed. After he manipulated his way through the previous record process, Guinness changed their rules to prevent it happening again. New records are required to be based on the average heat of a crop, not in a single pepper. I believe they also test variety stability, now.
Average heat would be hard to get up too that level where the plants can fluctuate so much. I myself dont need anything hotter than whats out already anyways haha.
Guinness changed their rules to prevent it happening again. New records are required to be based on the average heat of a crop, not on a single plant. I believe they also test variety stability, now.

Which means that unless they revisit the Reaper, Dragon's Breath has no chance of taking the record even if it really is hotter. It's difficult to compare "records" when they're not comparing the same thing...
Which means that unless they revisit the Reaper, Dragon's Breath has no chance of taking the record even if it really is hotter. It's difficult to compare "records" when they're not comparing the same thing...
This is true, they should take an average of the reaper as any other pepper will have to average above the reaper's peak heat level. That could be what is holding Ed from breaking the record of the reaper with pepper x as well, it may be hotter, but the average doesnt show it.
It was a scam to promote their own sauces.

Yup, there are brutally hot chili peppers out there :)

White hot peppers have some nice chilis to start off if you can order and also semillas la palma has its own super hot varieties.
I held Ed Curry with high regard until reading this post. Kind of saddening that the guy is a bit fishy with numbers.
i've read about ed being slimy, and i'm not here to say anything about "pepper x" specifically.

instead, i am having one of those stream-of-consciousness moments where i've just thought, strictly speaking, isn't "the hottest pepper in the world" the one single pod that registers the highest SHU or whatever metric?

i understand it's not a useful statistic to anyone, since it's just measuring one pepper, and the heat level of that general breed/variety is obviously going to vary by several 100k SHU from plant to plant, not to mention the difference when you growyourown at home in whatever part of the world you live, versus the result of the record-holder's "competition" plants that were given all of the ideal conditions and grown in mass quantities to find that one unicorn hotter than all the others.

but the fact is that if there exists a single pepper pod somewhere that measures 3.5M (whose average specimen of that variety is 2.2-2.4M), then that one "hottest pepper" is the hottest pepper, and is ipso facto spicier than a pepper ringing in at 3.1M from a plant variety whose average is 2.5-2.7M, despite that a random pod from the latter is more likely to be the spicier. think about environment temperature; the lowest temperature recorded, doesn't have to have occurred in the "statistically coldest place to live".

"(overall) hottest pepper variety" could/should be a separate (and equally or even more meaningful) distinction that would take averages into account and give you the best chance at achieving something hotter than anyone eating it has ever had (since you guys never personally tasted that one particular fluke pepper that earned the world record), but the "world's hottest pepper" is and has to be the pepper (that was measured) that is hotter than any other that was ever measured.

except once you realize, there may have existed, at some time, even a hotter pepper, it just wasn't measured...
i've read about ed being slimy, and i'm not here to say anything about "pepper x" specifically.

instead, i am having one of those stream-of-consciousness moments where i've just thought, strictly speaking, isn't "the hottest pepper in the world" the one single pod that registers the highest SHU or whatever metric?

i understand it's not a useful statistic to anyone, since it's just measuring one pepper, and the heat level of that general breed/variety is obviously going to vary by several 100k SHU from plant to plant, not to mention the difference when you growyourown at home in whatever part of the world you live, versus the result of the record-holder's "competition" plants that were given all of the ideal conditions and grown in mass quantities to find that one unicorn hotter than all the others.

but the fact is that if there exists a single pepper pod somewhere that measures 3.5M (whose average specimen of that variety is 2.2-2.4M), then that one "hottest pepper" is the hottest pepper, and is ipso facto spicier than a pepper ringing in at 3.1M from a plant variety whose average is 2.5-2.7M, despite that a random pod from the latter is more likely to be the spicier. think about environment temperature; the lowest temperature recorded, doesn't have to have occurred in the "statistically coldest place to live".

"(overall) hottest pepper variety" could/should be a separate (and equally or even more meaningful) distinction that would take averages into account and give you the best chance at achieving something hotter than anyone eating it has ever had (since you guys never personally tasted that one particular fluke pepper that earned the world record), but the "world's hottest pepper" is and has to be the pepper (that was measured) that is hotter than any other that was ever measured.

except once you realize, there may have existed, at some time, even a hotter pepper, it just wasn't measured...

I like this way of thinking. I've been thinking about this lately and I think if at least 10 peppers of a specific variety all measure hotter than the current record holder then It should be declared the new record holder.... because it hasn't been proven its hotter once. it's been proven its hotter TEN times. how much more proof does one need that one pepper is hotter than the other.... take the SHU of those ten peppers and work out the average of them. it will still work out hotter than the current record holder. that, in my opinion, is all Guinness need to do to declare the new world record holder...
"My pepper is hotter than yours" 🥵

10 peppers... from 1 plant? Or from 10 different plants of the same variety? From 10 different farms? How to rule out other variables like growing conditions?

I think that, if you want to compare pepper x with pepper y and z, you'll have to grow them all together under the exact same circumstances, then take an average of pods from different plants of the same variety and take measurements of these samples.

I always find it funny when a seller advertises bhut jolokias to have a SHU of 1,001,304 up to the last digit, as if each bhut has this exact shu value 🙂
"My pepper is hotter than yours" 🥵

10 peppers... from 1 plant? Or from 10 different plants of the same variety? From 10 different farms? How to rule out other variables like growing conditions?

I think that, if you want to compare pepper x with pepper y and z, you'll have to grow them all together under the exact same circumstances, then take an average of pods from different plants of the same variety and take measurements of these samples.

I always find it funny when a seller advertises bhut jolokias to have a SHU of 1,001,304 up to the last digit, as if each bhut has this exact shu value 🙂

I have never actually seen a seller put the EXACT SHU on a packet of seeds before or advertise them this way i'll be sure to look out for that from now on whenever i buy seeds. I guess 10 ripe peppers from 10 different plants in the exact same growing conditions would be the best way to test.
The Guinness was built on one-offs! So-and-so ate 300 apples in one hour. Or, the longest banana (size here) was grown by... the largest pumpkin was grown by... the largest pancake was cooked by... so the Guiness seems to be doing it right. In other words, the hottest pepper (pepper variety here) was grown by... Boom, done. Its's a one-off. You can call it the world's hottest in your marketing if you want, but in Guinness it attributes the grower and mentions the variety. So all is legit.
In other words if someone grows a variety of pumpkin that is 400 pounds, I don't expect my variety to reach that. That's what Guinness is all about. The individual. So I really don't take issue with it like you guys.
I seems like a lot of semantics.
There’s the hottest individual chile pepper that Guinness ever tested and the species that grew it which is easily determined, versus the species of plant that grows the hottest chiles, which is hard to determine without averaging massive amounts of sample chiles grown identically, versus which chile plant is capable of growing the hottest chiles which is nearly impossible to determine given the number of variables one would have to account for.
It is not semantics it is marketing. There's millions of dollars behind all these words.