The incredibly delicious Bonda ma Jacques

Island Dan sent me seeds for these (and a few others) from pods collected in a market on the island of St Lucia, in da Carribean, mon. 
Why wasn't I told about these earlier? How come I had to wait this long to eat one? Jeez, guys, where`s the love???
These are fantastic peppers, just delicious. I`ve loved Fataliis for years, but these are better. Significantly better. The flavour is a bit like a cross between a Fatalii and a Scotch Bonnet, but with the heat of the Fatalii. These guys are quite hot. 
To anyone who wants to grow these - they love the shade and lots of warmth, but hate direct sun. Add them to your grow list, you will not be disappointed.
Great review Nigel. I've not had this before and Wayright hooked me up with some seeds.
If the flavor/heat is a combination of the Fatalii and Scotch Bonnet it's got to be a winner IMO!
I've got one seedling growing now I'm hoping makes it until next Spring plant out.
i will be growing them again in 2014 but my 2010 plants didn't give me the same experience as you Nigel.
perhaps being grown in hydro didn't deliver the best of the plant. so 2014 will be the soil version.
my pods looked like yours, gave the strong yellow chinense smell but they failed to deliver on taste.
thanks again on delivering a great review - hope i get what you experienced in 2014.
I've been curious about this one, always heard it had phenomenal taste.  Now I'm convinced.  This will be in next years garden!
Another great review Nigel!
Awesome review again Nigel! I was lucky enough to receive a box from mgold86 that had a couple of these in it. Very very tasty peppers. 
i sent you a few in the Lfrb enjoy them and you wont have to review them since you did your own, mine looked a little bumpier
if you like the bonda you will prolly like the ST LUCIA RED SEASONING pepper, very mild heat and wonderful flavor
geat review as usual
thanks your friend Joe
I couldn't agree more with Nigel! I have one that is OW-ing now. A friend gave me seeds of it and described it as a substitute for fatalii, now I'm thinking about fatalii as a bonda substitute. To be honest, my fatalii's never delivered as I expected them to.
I could swear you reviewed these before. Guess I am wrong.
Review your own pepper? Cool!

I always thought this was a black or purple pepper. Hmm.

Ever try a Datil Nigel?
Bonda was one of the best in my past growing season, even if the powerful flavor is not always my favorite in cooking...
They were almost superhot level!

Sorry for the pic spamming, nice review as always Nigel!
PepperDaddler said:
I could swear you reviewed these before. Guess I am wrong.
Review your own pepper? Cool!

I always thought this was a black or purple pepper. Hmm.

Ever try a Datil Nigel?
Yep, had a few Datils. Nice pepper with really good flavour.
Datil said:
Bonda was one of the best in my past growing season, even if the powerful flavor is not always my favorite in cooking...
They were almost superhot level!
Sorry for the pic spamming, nice review as always Nigel!
Nice photo, Datil. I suppose the flavour is powerful, just as a good Scotch Bonnet has a powerful flavour. I could eat these right off the plant as snacks everyday! You must have a hotter strain than I do, which is very cool!
My Fatalii's have been one of my favorite staple peppers for my salsas, but my Fatalii plants gave up and stopped producing in the hotter part of the season and I had to switch back to Habs for the last couple of months.
I will have to try these due to the similar flavor alone;it will be interesting to see if I can get a longer season out of them. 
My Fataliis crapped out in the summer this year, but the Bondas did better, as I`d just about figured them out by then. Shade, shade and more shade  :P